What Chinese Baptist Church Believes     曉市頓華人浸信會信仰要點


Essential Beliefs      Download Core Beliefs

  • The Holy Bible, consisting of 66 books from Genesis to Revelation, is the inspired words of God and the perfect standard for faith and practice.

  • There is only one true and living God, who is the creator and ruler of the universe. God is united in three distinctive, inseparable and yet equally divine persons - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

  • Human beings are created by and under the laws of God, but fell from their original happy state by voluntary rebellion against God. As a consequence, all human beings are now sinners separated from God, born with depravity and under just condemnation of eternal ruin, without defense or excuse.

  • Jesus Christ is the Son of God who became flesh. He voluntarily died on the cross as the substitutionary atonement for all of our sins. Having risen from the dead, He is now enthroned in Heaven. He will return someday to judge the world.

  • The salvation of sinners is wholly of God's grace. We receive this grace through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ alone. The blessings of salvation are made free and available to all (i.e. unlimited atonement, unlimited in scope). We are responsible for deciding our eternal future by either accepting or rejecting the gift of salvation from God through Jesus Christ.

  • Election is the gracious purpose of God, according to which He regenerates, justifies, sanctifies and glorifies sinners. It is consistent with the free agency of man and comprehends all the means in connection with the end.

  • Regeneration is the work of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of sinners in order to secure their voluntary obedience to the gospel.

  • Sanctification is a progressive work that begins in regeneration and is carried on in the hearts of believers by the presence and power of the Holy Spirit with the ultimate purpose of growing into the full measure of Jesus Christ.

  • Believers who endure unto the end with their preserving attachment to Christ are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation.

Baptist Beliefs

  • Baptism is the immersion in water of a believer, into the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, to demonstrate our faith in the crucified, buried and risen Savior Jesus Christ. It is also the prerequisite to the privileges of a church relation and the Lord's Supper.

The above is a highlight of our core belief based on the Articles of Faith of Chinese Baptist Church. For the complete understanding of our faith position, please refer to the Articles of Faith of Chinese Baptist Church.



  • 聖經包括了由創世記到啟示錄的66 卷書, 是神所默示的話語, 也是驗證所有人的信仰和行為的完美標準。
  • 我們相信只有一位永活的真神, 祂是創造和統管宇宙的主。 真神三位一體 –, 聖父、聖子和聖靈, 不可分割並具有獨特的位格, 在神聖和完美上是完全的相等。
  • 人類原是在神的律法之下被造, 因自願抉擇犯罪, 從原先快樂的境地墮落。 從此所有人就成了罪人, 生性敗壞 與神隔絕了, 理當落在永恆的毀滅中, 絕無申辯和推卸之詞。
  • 耶穌基督是神的兒子, 道成肉身, 自願為我們所有的罪死在十字架上, 成了替代的贖罪祭。 因祂從死裡復活, 如今坐在天上的寶座。 日後將會再來審判世人。
  • 罪人得著救恩完全是靠賴神的恩典。 我們唯有透過在耶穌基督裡的悔改和信心, 才可領受這份恩典。 救恩的祝福是白白的 是神為世上所有的人預備的 (即是無限的救贖 無限的範圍)。 我們須要為自己永恆的將來負責, 決定是否接受或拒絕, 神藉著耶穌基督為我們所預備的救恩。
  • 揀選是神恩典的目的, 神藉此使罪人重生, 稱義, 成聖和得榮。 這是前後一致的, 藉著人自由的抉擇, 明白神一切的方法與終極有關。
  • 重生是聖靈在罪人心中的工作, 目的是為了確保罪人自願順服福音。
  • 成聖是因聖靈的內住和能力, 而在信徒心中一直進展的工作。 這工作在罪人重生的時候開始, 最終目的是要令信徒滿有基督長成的身量。
  • 那些堅持依附基督, 忍耐到底的信徒, 他們會因著信心, 蒙神的能力保守, 直到完全得救。


  • 浸禮是奉聖父, 聖子, 聖靈的名施行, 信徒全身浸入水中, 藉著此禮表明對那受死, 埋葬和復活的救主耶穌基督的信心。 浸禮也是獲得教會會友資格和恪守主餐的先決條件。

以上信仰要點是基於曉市頓華人浸信會的信仰宣言。 有關我們完整的信仰立場 請參考曉市頓華人浸信會的信仰宣言。