Announcement #11

(1) With the approval of Church Council, the ministerial staff and the Deacon Body, CBC is pleased to announce and welcome the return of the Russian-speaking fellowship to CBC in early January. Due to internal changes in their group, they are ending their official formation as a church and leaving their current host church. Like other guests and visitors to CBC, the group of 15 adults and 15 youth & kids are seeking to deepen their faith by joining CBC's worship and Sunday School (during the pandemic, their attendance will be lower). They will attend English worship service; however, a few will require translation, which will be provided in Room B. For in-person Sunday School (SS), there will be a Russian-speaking SS class for the adults with one of their own as the teacher; for the youth & kids, CBC will either provide a teacher for in-person SS or they will join the youth and kids' Zoom SS classes. Pastor Oleg will coordinate their transition to CBC. Please welcome and meet our guests and invite them to join your activities.

(2) The recently announced formation of an Ad Hoc team has now been renamed "CBC Assessment Team" (CAT). An update of the team's purpose and other details can be found in a newly created CAT webpage at

Announcement #10

During a tumultuous year of pandemic, uncertainty, disruption and testing of our faith, let us draw nearer to Christ as we pause for Thanksgiving:

"do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
Phil. 4:6-7

Also, please read the Thanksgiving message from Transition Lead Pastor Kai Yuen.

Announcement #9

With the church now under transition, CBC is taking the next step forward by creating an Ad Hoc Committee (a formal name to be determined) to identify, prioritize and address the most critical and urgent needs of CBC, including consideration of improvements to make the governance (organizational structure and operations) of CBC more effective and align CBC's focus and ministerial efforts to its vision and mission.

Therefore, in consultation with other church leaders, Transition Lead Pastor Kai Yuen Choi has appointed the following members to the Ad Hoc Committee: Rev. Andrew Chao, Pastor Kai Yuen Choi, Rochelle Dy, Larry Joe, Betty Lam, Danny Lee, Tom Lee, Liling Ng, Gary Sham (chairman) and Pastor Justin Wong. A productive kickoff meeting was held Tuesday, November 17, with the next meeting scheduled for Tuesday, December 1. Periodic updates will be provided.

Announcement #8

(1) CBC will hold its Annual Business Meeting on Sunday, November 15 at 1:15 pm in person in the Sanctuary. Please make plans to attend and wear your mask during the meeting. The meeting will not be available by livestream; however, additional spacing (Rooms A, B and C) will be available for participating in the meeting. Additional handouts, including the Agenda for the Business Meeting, were emailed on Wednesday, November 11 to SS teachers for forwarding to church members in their classes.

The Virus Task Force will apply safety protocols for the meeting: wearing face masks, temperature checks before entering, social distancing within the Sanctuary and sanitizing hands. Please bring your own pens for marking the ballot.

(2) CBC would like to officially welcome Adam Lee as part of the CBC ministerial staff. He will be serving as a part-time Assistant to the Pastors of Young Adults and Youth Ministry. He is a qualified and reputable leader who has been faithfully serving this church for many years. In a time of transition, both Pastor Oleg and Pastor Justin agree that Adam would serve wonderfully in this capacity as an assistant in terms of ministry and administration.

(3) Fellowship Following In-Person Worship Service
CBC recognizes the importance of having fellowship in our Christian lives. As such, for those who attend in-person worship service, we have decided to relax the current protocol of requiring everyone to exit the CBC facility immediately after worship service. Effective immediately, those who wish to stay and fellowship with others will be permitted to do so by gathering either in the FLC or in the Sanctuary lobby on the right side (east) of the Welcome Center adjoining the coffee bar area, providing the following protocols are adhered to:

  • Each fellowship group should maintain at least 6 feet of separation from each other
  • Facemasks must continued to be used at all times

Please review all Safety protocols in the VTF announcement, provided on May 24, 2020.

Announcement #7

(1) CBC will observe Lord's Supper in all worship services on Sunday, November 1. Pick up the sealed Lord's Supper packets prior to entering the Sanctuary or during the week (prior to November 1) to take home for online worship.

(2) CBC will hold its Annual Business Meeting on Sunday, November 15 at 1:15 pm in-person in the Sanctuary. Please make plans to attend and wear your mask during the meeting. The meeting will not be available on livestream. In advance of the meeting, the 2019-2020 Annual Report and updated 2020-2021 Nominations List will be available to church members by Sunday, November 1 for pickup at church and by email distribution from your Sunday School teacher.

(3) The monthly Church-wide Prayer Meeting on Zoom will be on Wednesday, November 4 at 7:00 pm. You can access the prayer list from the recently updated Prayer Ministry section of the church webpage: Please join us and pray daily for the church as it is undergoing transition and facing future changes.

(4) The church will be offering classes on membership and baptism for interested believers and those who will be baptized. Meetings will be on consecutive Saturdays, November 7, 14 and 21, from 7:30 - 8:30 pm via Zoom. Sign up on the Baptism/Membership Class Form.

(5) The church has recently opened up usage of its facilities for "hybrid" Sunday School classes - having SS class both in-person and with Zoom. Safety protocols are required. For full details, see the VTF announcement.

Announcement #6

CBC Nomination Committee is actively seeking our members' support for various church officers and ministry position needs. We currently have a need to find qualified members for At-Large Church Council positions and some standing committee positions.

Please put our request in your prayers. If you would like to nominate members for either position(s), please submit your nomination using the relevant form below:

Nominations for the above candidacy must be received no later than October 25.

Furthermore, if you are interested to learn more about ministry opportunities at CBC, please let us know by filling out your interest in this form.

Announcement #5

(1) The church is reopening on Sunday, October 4, for worship services ONLY. Safety protocols will be in place. Please wear face masks for the duration of worship service, except during Lord's Supper. Instead of ushers collecting offering, people are asked to drop their offering into the offering collection boxes in the foyer before service.

(2) Lord's Supper will be observed on October 4. Upon arrival for attendance for English or Cantonese worship, please pick up the sealed Lord's Supper packets at the foyer desk, before entering the Sanctuary and discard the empty packet when you leave. This practice will continue until the Virus Task Force permits resumption to using serving trays.

(3) Consequent to reopening for worship services, two Sunday School Zoom classes have changed their start times as follows (all other start times for SS classes are unchanged):

  • FM2.0 - 11:15 am
  • Marrieds II - 8:50 am

(4) As CBC enters a new season and with a new fiscal year starting this month, everyone in the CBC family is called to consecrate ourselves on our knees and seek God's favor and His heart for CBC. The church-wide prayer gathering will be on Wednesday, October 7 at 7:00 pm. Please be on the lookout for a zoom link invite early next week.

Announcement #4

(1) CBC will be open for the Budget and Nominations Business Meeting in-person on Sunday, September 27 at 1:15 pm. In advance of the meeting, copies of the proposed budget and nominations will be distributed to members by email from their Sunday School teachers (or available for pickup at the church office) by this weekend.

The Nominations list will include names of persons whose terms are expiring. The church requested these individuals to extend their terms past September 30, until such time as a completed nominations list is presented for approval at a subsequent business meeting.

The meeting will NOT be livestreamed; however, additional spacing (Rooms A, B and C) will be available for participating in the meeting. Members must be present to vote.

The Virus Task Force will apply safety protocols for the meeting: wearing face coverings, temperature checks before entering, social distancing within the Sanctuary and sanitizing hands. Please bring your own pens for marking the ballot.

(2) Leaders of virtual Sunday School classes or activities impacted by the above business meeting should adjust their schedule if possible. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Announcement #3

(1) The monthly English Worship Service preaching rotation will be as follows (exceptions due to holidays and other reasons may occur):

  • 1st Sunday - Pastor Kai Yuen Choi
  • 2nd Sunday - Pastor Oleg Xu
  • 3rd Sunday - Pastor Justin Wong
  • 4th Sunday - Pastor Justin Wong
  • 5th Sunday (if applicable): To be determined

(2) On August 30, CBC bid a warm and fond farewell to Pastor Dan and Barb Ho. Dozens of cars, some bearing decorated signs and posters, came to the Drive-by Farewell. We greatly appreciate all the volunteers who helped with the send-off and all who took part in the drive-by. You have all helped to make Pastor Dan and Barb feel loved by the CBC Family. For pictures, go to CBC Photo Gallery.

(3) Transition period prayer request - please be praying for God's guidance and wisdom for the church ministers and leadership as they organize and plan for the future.

Announcement #2

(1) The Transition Team has completed the temporary assignment of the Senior Pastor's duties, responsibilities and tasks to ministerial and administrative staff and to church members. Generally, here is a summary of the assignments:

  • English worship service preaching schedule - Pastor Justin
  • Church-wide Prayer Meeting - Geraldine Lee
  • General office operations, staff meetings, Church Council chair, Covid Task Force, contact with outside organizations (SBC, BGCT, UBA, Chinese churches/pastors, Hunters Creek government, fire, police) - Pastor Kai Yuen Choi
  • Special worship services (Christmas, Easter), church-wide special events and celebrations when church is re-opened (Christmas, July 4th, etc) - Pastor Oleg Xu
  • Moderating business meetings when church is opened - Pastor Kai Yuen Choi or Larry Joe
  • Pastoral care (visits, calls, cards, prayer) - All ministers
  • Pastoral care (weddings, funerals/memorials) - Minister requested by the member
  • Prayer list and church announcements - Joo Chan
  • Sunday School materials and room assignments - Diana Wong
  • Church campus maintenance, operations, security and safety, TCS, Thai Baptist - Neil Scholwinski

(2) The drive-by farewell for Pastor Dan and Barb will be Sunday, August 30 at 12:15 pm to afford people an opportunity to express their thanks and well wishes. Cars will be directed by volunteers to the drop-off driveway. Any gifts may be given to Pastor Dan and Barb directly. If you want to give a check, please make the check payable to "Dan Ho" and not to CBC. (If you cannot attend the drive-by, you can mail your gift either directly to Pastor Dan's home or to the church and we will hand them over to him.) Please wear your masks.

(3) During the drive-by on August 30, members can also pickup Lord's Supper packets (for next Sunday), as well as drop off offering envelopes from their cars.

(4) As CBC enters into the transition period, everyone in the CBC family is called to consecrate ourselves on our knees and wait expectantly to see the wonders that God will do among us. Let's all come together to seek God's face on September 2 at 7:00 - 8:00 pm. Please contact any Sunday School teachers or leaders for the Zoom link. Also, a Flocknote notice will be sent on September 1 with a link. Please follow the safety protocol and forward the link to those who are in the CBC family only.

Announcement #1: Background Information

With Pastor Dan's announcement on August 9, 2020 that he is retiring as Senior Pastor on September 30, 2020, many questions may have immediately popped up in people's minds. CBC is grateful to Pastor Dan and Barb for their years of faithful service and their impact on so many lives.

This web page will be used by the Transition Team for periodic news and announcements to the church, related to the transition period for CBC. This announcement includes basic information about the transition, but please be aware that all your questions may not have answers yet and that some information may change as we go forward together. Please be patient.

The CBC Transition Team (TT) exists to transition and facilitate the Senior Pastor's duties, responsibilities and tasks to other existing staff, new staff and/or church members temporarily until the Senior Pastor's position is filled with an Interim Senior Pastor or permanent Senior Pastor. The team was created by Church Council. Transition Team members are Davy Chin, Pastor Kai Yuen Choi, Mike Chan and Larry Joe (chair).

By agreement with Pastor Dan, the "transition period" commences on September 1, 2020 and ends when CBC fills the Senior Pastor position with an interim or permanent Senior Pastor. During the transition period, the Senior Pastor duties, responsibilities and tasks will be performed by current ministerial staff, administrative staff, interns and church members. Current staff (ministerial and administrative) will also continue to perform their own current duties and responsibilities as well. After conferring with Church Council, deacons and other leaders, the Transition Team (excluding Pastor Kai Yuen) selected Pastor Kai Yuen Choi to be the Transition Lead Pastor (TLP) for the duration of the transition period.

To date, TT has met online and in person with Church Council, ministerial staff, administrative staff, intern and deacons to discuss the framework for transitioning. The initial and main emphasis of the TT has been to temporarily transfer tasks and duties of the Senior Pastor (such as preaching, office administration, pastoral care, moderating Church Council and business meetings) to other staff and church members. The effort is well underway.

During the transition period, there may also be some changes in how the tasks or duties are performed. Changes may be temporary or permanent. Please be receptive to changes and open to new ideas for ministry, governance and worship. TT will be monitoring the transition and will make adjustments, if necessary; TT is receptive to feedback from the church.

There have been suggestions that the church re-evaluate and revise:

  • (1) the organizational structure of the church
  • (2) the functions, roles and duties of staff, committees, Church Council, Deacon Body and ministries
  • (3) revise the Bylaws and Church Operating Manual (COM)
  • (4) agree on a vision and strategic plan for the church
  • (5) plan for a more extended virtual ministry, etc.

While these are not within the responsibility of the TT, the TLP and leadership may address some of these before the search for a Senior Pastor begins by another group.


(1) Pastor Dan will be preaching in English Worship Service for the remainder of August.

(2) Pastor Dan remains the Senior Pastor until his effective date of retirement on September 30, 2020. However, since he will be on sabbatical for the month of September, he has relinquished his duties and agreed for the transition plan to begin on September 1, 2020.

(3) On Sunday, August 30 at 12:15 pm, CBC will have a drive-by farewell for Pastor Dan and Barb to afford members the opportunity to give a personal farewell and thanks to them. Volunteers will be present to direct cars in the parking lot. Please wear masks and maintain social distancing.

(4) The TT is working with staff and Church Council on how to proceed with adopting the budget and nominations for 2020-2021, in light of the impact by the pandemic.

(5) "Transition Team Announcements" updates will be posted on the church website as timely as possible. The church office will send out a notice of new TT announcements via Flocknote text or email. If you are not currently receiving Flocknote, please sign up through


How Can Church Members Help?

(1) Speak to the staff and offer to help with their current tasks or temporarily-assigned Senior Pastor tasks to free up their time.

(2) Offer encouragement and support to the staff and lay leaders.

(3) Pray for the staff and the church leaders during the time of transition; pray for unity, cooperation and a smooth transition; and pray for Pastor Dan and Barb's future plans.

"And let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembly together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more, as you see the day drawing near." Hebrews 10: 24-25