Young Adults: College, Singles, & Young Marrieds

Our Young Adults (YA) Ministry is comprised of single adults in the 18s - 30's age range. The college ministry seeks to help students in their relationship with God, as they face the rigors of college life. Singles ministry focuses on challenging them to walk in God's grace as they live missional lives in their workplace. Young married couples spur one another towards Spirit-filled life and accountability. It is our aim to provide a challenging and spiritually motivating atmosphere in which the particular needs of our young adults are addressed.

For more information, reach out to Young Adults Pastor Oleg and visit our Young Adults Ministry calendar.

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Our Vision

Developing courageous disciples of Jesus Christ who impact their generation for the honor of God.

Our Strategy
  •  Encouraging Young Adults to be in love with God, His word, CBC and intergenerational relationships.
  •  Equipping Young Adults to be disciples, to be ministry leaders and to effectively witness to unbelievers.
  •  Challenging Young Adults to reproduce Christ in others, to serve and to reach their friends/all nations for Jesus.
Our Core Values
  •  Truth - John 17:17, 2 Timothy 3:16
  •  Community - John 13:34, Mark 12:31
  •  Discipleship - Mark 1:17, Matthew 28:18-20 (encompasses depth, prayer, service)
  •  Peacemakers - Romans 14:9, Matthew 5:9
  •  Witnesses - Acts 1:8
Sunday Morning Bible Studies/Truths

College/Career I class is held Sundays at 11:15 am. The class is taught by teachers who speak on relevant issues and show how God's truth can be applied in each student's life and on his or her respective campus or workplace.

Career II class is held Sundays at 11:15 am in Room 213. This class is taught by two of our deacons, with the focus on young adults in their 30's.

Young Families class is held Sundays at 11:15 am in Room 240. This group consists of married couples, with or without children, usually following the Bible studies series provided by the church educational ministries.

Small Groups/Discipleship

Two groups meet together for Bible study on a regular basis. There are small group Bible studies, ranging from those who are just investigating Christianity to others for individuals who desire an in-depth Bible study and accountability.

Singles Small Group meets on Wednesdays in the Missions House, with dinner at 7:00 pm.

Young Couples Group meets on Saturdays from 11:30 am - 2:30 pm in the Preschool area. Childcare is provided by two trained workers. Lunch is provided.


A monthly large group activity is held to promote fellowship and service among our members, as well as with other groups. Types of activities have included game nights, Christmas caroling and crawfish parties. We usually meet in the church's Family Life Center from 3:00 - 5:00 pm. If you would like to join us, email us at or


We intentionally aim to be engaged in local missions projects. CBC's Missions Committee coordinates projects such as ministry to the homeless, Pregnancy Help Center, apartment Bible club for kids/families, missionary moments, campus visitations and providing lunches for InterVarsity, Bridges and Baptist Student Ministries where YA members are encouraged to serve of their time and talents.

Evangelism training is provided for the YA during Sunday morning Bible class time, where skills of prayer, care, share and apologetics are learned and practiced.