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CBC Chinese School 2021 - 2022 School Year

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Chinese Baptist Church (CBC) Chinese School is the oldest Chinese school in Houston, Texas. Since 1980, a group of more than 20 loving Christian staff and teachers voluntarily spend their leisure time and weekends to teach the Chinese language to whomever has an interest to learn. Besides learning Chinese as a language, students also learn its history, arts & crafts, songs, calligraphy, speech, cultures, customs, moral standards/virtues, computer and translation. Many teachers have taught more than 10 years and some over 20 years! Our most committed teacher has taught from when the school first began!

We are located in our own 5 acre property in the Memorial area, with lots of green space, a 48,000 sq. ft. education building that is conducive to learning and a gymnasium for recreation. Children and adults of all national origins are welcome.

Chinese (Cantonese & Mandarin) Classes

  • Kindergarten (age 5) to 8th Grade (Traditional/Simplified)
  • Chinese Character Reading & Writing, Calligraphy, Conversation, Recital, Activity Teaching
  • Class starts on September 12, 2021 (Sunday)
  • Tuition fee ($240/year)

Recital Competition - February 24, 2019

Chinese School Commencement
May 20, 2018

Game Day - October 21, 2018

    Download Chinese School Regulations

  •   School Time: 1:30 - 3:45 pm (Sunday)

     Chapel Time: 1:30 - 1:45 pm

     Recess:             3:00 - 3:15 pm (by class)

    Students should attend the chapel time punctually. Three times tardy or early departures or a combination of such will be counted as one absence.

  • Each school year shall consist of a fall semester and a spring semester. At the beginning of each semester, a school calendar will be given to each student. For each school year, no more than six absences are allowed for each student in order to be promoted to the next grade. Students should notify their homeroom teacher, giving the reason he/she will be unable to attend the class.
  • Tuition for the year 2021-2022 shall be $240.00. This payment includes all necessary textbooks, exercise books, craft materials and other supplementary materials. A discount will be offered to families with more than two students who are actively attending the CBC Chinese School. Tuition and fees are payable on or before the beginning of each semester and are non-refundable.
  • Parents are urged to check school notice after each class and ensure that the students finish their homework assignment properly.
  • Students will be responsible for replacing any lost textbooks or supplies. Textbooks and supplies can be purchased at the Chinese School Office.
  • Contact: cbcchinesesch@gmail.com
    For Cantonese registration: call Amy So
    For Mandarin registration: call Jolee Zhou

Chinese School Year 2021 - 2021 Fall/Spring Semester Calendar

         (click on image to view)
