"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms."

1 Peter 4:10

We are called to provide and to serve others. Provisions may be financial or support with donations of household goods. Thank you for your support of Chinese Baptist Church.

Ways To Give


It's easy to give online and it's safe and secure through Tithe.ly. You can donate on a recurring basis or a one-time donation with online banking, mobile app or text giving.

Cash or Check

Offerings can be check or cash. You may donate in person or by mail. To help with the accuracy of CBC's contribution reporting, please include on your offering envelope: member envelope number, amount of offering, type of offering, name and address. Members: please use the yellow label provided to you. For additional labels, email FinanceS@CBCHouston.org or call the church office.

Text Giving

Give through a quick text message. Text "GIVE" to (281) 369-9265 to donate.


Semi-Annual Contribution Statements will ONLY be available upon request. Please contact the Financial Secretary at FinanceS@CBCHouston.org or call the church office at 713-461-0963. The contribution statement will be mailed to the address on file.

For members or donors who mail the weekly contribution/offerings or memorial gifts to CBC, please include "Attention: Financial Secretary" on the envelope.

Supermarket Rewards Programs
