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Chinese School

        Notice to Parents and Students   家長及學生通告 

For information about Chinese School (2007-2008 School Year), download these documents:
(Click "Cancel", if you are asked for a Network Password and then, the document will load.)

        1. Registration Form  報名表 
        2. Consent Form  同意醫療免責表  
        3. Tuition Schedule  收費表
        4. 2007-2008 Fall/Spring Semester Calendar  二零零七至二零零八年度秋季及春季校曆表
        5. Chinese School Regulations  曉市頓華人浸信會中文學校家長及學生須知
        6. Chinese School Room Arrangements   中文學校課室安排 
        7. Chinese School Staff & Teachers   二零零七至二零零八年度中文學校教職員  
        8. Chinese School Staff & Teachers Birthdays   中文學校教職員生日表  

(If you are unable to view the Chinese on your system, you can download the Chinese font, "MingLiU.ttf" by clicking here and installing the extracted file into your Windows/Fonts folder.)

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Chinese Baptist Church Chinese School Regulations
  1. School Time: 1:30 - 3:45 pm (Sunday)
    Chapel Time: 1:30 - 1:45 pm
    Recess: 2:30 - 2:45 pm

    Students should attend the chapel time punctually. Three 15-minute being tardy or early departures or a combination of such will be counted as one absence.
  2. Each school year shall consist of a fall semester and a spring semester. At the beginning of each semester, a school calendar will be given to each student. For each school year, no more than six absences are allowed for each student in order to be promoted to the next grade. Students should notify their homeroom teacher giving the reason he/she will be unable to attend the class.
  3. Tuition for the year 2007-2008 shall be $170.00. This payment includes all necessary textbooks, exercise books, craft materials and other supplementary materials. New student will be given a Chinese School bag. A discount will be offered to families with more than two students who are actively attending the CBC Chinese School. Tuition and fees are payable on or before the beginning of each semester and are non-refundable.
  4. Parents are urged to check school notice after each class and ensure that the students finish their homework assignment properly.
  5. Students will be responsible for replacing any lost textbooks or supplies. Textbooks and supplies can be purchased at the Chinese School Office.

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