五 月中,評估小組(CAT) 正式建議 Josh Ellis 博士 (休斯頓聯合浸信會 (the Union Baptist Association (UBA)) 執行董事) 參與CBC 領䄂...

Third Party Consultant: Engagement and Progress

We are continuing those discussions by researching the viability of several different options, pertaining to what to address and how to proceed.

Timeline of Recent Events

為促進此過程,評估小組將邀請The Malphurs Group(TMG)幫助,以執行教會事工評估(CMA)

評估小組將邀請The Malphurs Group(TMG)幫助,以執行教會事工評估(CMA)

在教牧同工,教會理事會,過渡小組和執事會的全力支持下,由代理主任牧師(TLP)與教會各領袖了解和商議後,成立了曉市頓華人浸信會評估小組(Chinese Baptist Church Assessment Team (CAT))。
