Updated Risk Level – 2022年6月30日
VTF continues to monitor the CDC metrics. For the weeks of June 16 and June 23, CDC has
assigned a risk level of HIGH for Harris County. CBC recommends masks indoors (still optional), consistent
with CDC’s recommendation. CBC will start posting the CDC risk factor at the entrances to the Sanctuary Building
and Education Building.
Updated Face Mask Protocol – 2022年2月28日
VTF will be using a combination of local virus metrics data and the February 25, 2022 CDC updated face mask guidelines to determine what our Face mask Protocol will be. The new CDC updated guidelines assigns a risk factor (low, medium, high) to each county in each state. As of February 28, 2022, the risk factor for Harris County is Medium. Per CDC guidelines, for counties that have a low or medium risk factor, face masks can be considered optional. For counties that have a high risk factor, face masks are recommended. NOTE: CDC does not have the authority to mandate face masks, thus the recommended protocol.
Coffee Bar Reopened – February 27, 2022
Virus metrics data has improved sufficiently to allow the reopening of the Coffee Bar.
Coffee Bar Closed – 2021年12月31日
Coffee/Tea Bar will be temporarily suspended until further notice,
due to current spike of Covid Omicron variant.
Protocols for Thanksgiving Lunch – 2021年11月21日
- Face masks are required prior to and after the meal.
- Face masks may be removed to eat/drink during the meal.
- To provide some level of social distancing, a table/seating plan will
be used in the FLC that allows for 6 persons per round table, as well as 6 persons per doubled-up
rectangular tables. More than 6 can sit at a table if they are members of the same household; in this
case, please notify one of the volunteers so that additional chairs can be provided.
- There will be no food or drink lines to get food/drinks. Food will be
catered, with volunteers plating and serving food and drinks, to all attendees. Please be seated when
you enter the FLC.
Please enjoy our Thanksgiving fellowship!
Updated Protocols for CBC – 2021年11月7日
- Face masks will continue to be REQUIRED at all times, even for those who
are fully vaccinated. Exception to face mask requirement:
Speakers/Praise Team on stage or at podium
Teachers/Leaders in front of a class/group as long as there is 6 to 10 feet of separation to first row of classroom attendees.
- Coffee/Tea Bar will be re-opened. However, no actual fellowshipping allowed
in this area as it is physically too small to allow for 6 feet of social distancing. As such, face masks are
still required at all times in this area.
- Unfortunately, all of the metrics we are tracking have increased upwards
- R(t) is at 1.41, meaning the virus is spreading.
- Average positivity rate was 8.8%, up from 5.4% 2 weeks ago
- TMC ICU capacity is now right at 100% of phase 1
- % Covid patients in TMC ICU's is now at 13.8%, up from 7.4% (2 weeks ago)
- The average number of daily Covid patients in the TMC ICU's increased to 183, up from 90 (2 weeks ago)
- The daily average of new Covid patients in the Houston Area increased to 1325, up from 398 (2 weeks ago).
- Other statistics of interest:
- Nationally 49% of the USA population is fully vaccinated.
- As of Friday, July 23, 83% of new COVID cases are of the Delta variant; 6 weeks ago, Delta only accounted for 6% of new cases.
- 99.5% of all COVID deaths have occurred with the unvaccinated. So, getting fully vaccinated is and continues to be a key factor in fighting this virus.
- Of those getting COVID, the number of kids (younger than 18) who have gotten infected has increased from 5% to 22%. That's because fewer adults are getting infected as they are getting vaccinated. Kids 12 and younger do not have the option to get vaccinated while kids between 12 - 18 years have recently been approved to receive the vaccine.
Updated Protocols for CBC - effective 2021年8月1日
- Facemasks: will be required at all times in the Sanctuary/chapel
and during Sunday School hour
- Food/Beverages:
No food or beverages during worship service and Sunday School hour
Food and/or beverages are only allowed after the Sunday School hour per July 18 update.
Updated Protocols for CBC - 2021年7月18日
- Food/Beverages
No food or beverages in Sanctuary.
During second hour / Sunday School hour, those who are fully vaccinated can bring in and drink their beverage. For those who are NOT fully vaccinated, it is recommended that they continue to wear their face mask as well as NOT bring in a beverage.
After Sunday School, small groups may eat together. For example, in the FLC with no more than 4 chairs/people to a table.
- Controlled entry to the main building and the Sanctuary
Will continue for now.
While we have relaxed many of our social distancing protocols, this will allow our ushers we to "informally" provide some level of social distancing by maintaining every other row seating as much as possible with one chair separation for each group of people.
We have not resumed having ushers pass the offering plate, hand out bulletins, nor the deacons to pass out the Lord Supper elements for Communion Sunday, etc. As such, having controlled entry allows for single point of pick-up for these types of items.
Updated Protocols for CBC - Effective 2021年7月11日
In-person services: We will still attempt to maintain one (1) chair separation. However, the
ushers will have the option to open up other rows as necessary to accommodate all those who attend.
- Restrooms: All restrictions will be removed.
- Food/Beverage: No change from June 17 protocols.
- Water Fountains: Still maintaining one person / one fountain at a time.
- FLC Seating: Still maintaining 4 chairs to a table.
Updated Protocols for CBC - 2021年6月17日
- In-person services: for both the Sanctuary and chapel, the number
of chairs for social distancing/separation is now just one (1) chair.
- Restrooms:
All restrictions removed for women's restrooms.
For men's restrooms, all of the stalls are now available for use.
- Food/Beverages:
Allowed only after the second hour / Sunday School hour.
Small groups may eat together. For example, in the FLC with no more than 4 chairs to a table.
NOTE: Per our Face Mask update on May 13, we are waiting until the end of June to allow those in 12-15 age group, who have opted to get vaccinated, to be considered fully vaccinated. At that point in time and if our data metric targets are met, VTF will decide if CBC will go facemasks optional.
Updated Protocols for CBC - 2021年6月2日
- Arrival at CBC: Temperature will no longer be scanned.
- In person services:
For both the Sanctuary and chapel, the number chairs will be reduced separating each family/household group from 3 chairs to 2 chairs.
The double doors, in the back of the Sanctuary closest to the restrooms (leading into the foyer), will now be open for exiting the building after service.
Congregants in the Sanctuary will no longer be dismissed by sections / rows. All persons are free to exit at their leisure.
When exiting the Sanctuary, please do NOT stop and fellowship, blocking the exit doors. Please proceed out into the foyer.
- The Coffee-Tea bars/service will restart
No coffee, tea or other beverages are allowed in the Sanctuary or chapel.
Beverages will be provided during the Sunday School hour only for English, Cantonese and Mandarin Sunday School classes. Please do not get coffee/tea if you are entering the Sanctuary or chapel for in-person service.
Since the facemask must be removed to drink a beverage, it is strongly recommended that each unmasked person maintain at least 6 feet of social distancing with the next unmasked person.
NOTE: No food/snacks allowed yet at this point in time, including the weekly luncheon. -
- Social Distancing: During the 2nd hour / Sunday School hour, people will be allowed to decide for themselves, the level of social distancing that they are comfortable with. For example: after in-person worship service or during the group Sunday School, many people are walking / standing around fellowshipping with others, without adhering to any actual rigid social distancing guidelines.
CDC Face Mask Guidelines - 2021年5月13日
On Thursday, May 13, the CDC released new face mask guidelines which allow those who are fully vaccinated to resume activities without wearing a mask or staying 6 feet apart, except where required by federal, state, local, tribal or territorial laws, rules and regulations, including local business and workplace guidance. At this time, based on the following factors, CBC/VTF has decided to retain our current face mask policy until the end of June, at which time, VTF will reassess and decide/recommend if relaxing of our face mask policy is warranted.
There are still a number of unvaccinated attendees who are coming to CBC in person. Out of our Christian love, for now we will continue to protect them by wearing face masks whenever they are present for any of our ministries (worship service, Sunday School class, etc.).
Some attendees, who have already returned for in person ministries, have provided feedback that whether vaccinated or not, they would not be comfortable at this time with an optional face mask policy and would reconsider to not coming, if that were the case. Further, there are others who have yet to return and who are contemplating returning only if face masks are still in use.
Recently, the age eligibility for getting the vaccine has been lowered to include children who are 12 - 15 years of age. With this age demographic getting their first and second shots, they would be considered fully immunized by the end of June.
Waiting until the end of June allows more time for those who are uncomfortable with an optional face mask policy to become more comfortable as more and more people begin removing their masks.
Also, waiting until the end of June will hopefully see that the data metrics (that we are tracking) will continue to reduce and possibly meet our target goals to eliminate face masks use.
Overall Facemasks Policy at CBC
CBC currently requires face masks to be worn at all times on the CBC campus unless:
- Group size/gathering indoors is 15 persons or less AND all are fully vaccinated.
- Group size/gathering outdoors is 50 persons or less AND all are fully vaccinated
CBC will review and update the face mask requirements based on any updates from the CDC.
To completely remove the requirement for face masks one of the following conditions needs to be met:
- CDC guidelines no longer require wearing of face masks indoors in moderate to large groups
- The Harris County threat level goes to either Yellow or Green
- If the following four (4) data metric criteria are met:
- R(t) 14 day average < 1.0
- Positivity rate 14 day average (taking an average of TMC, DSHS, Harris County, and City of Houston) < 5.0%
- TMC 7 day average ICU capacity < 95% in phase 1
- TMC 7 day average % Covid pts in the ICU < 15%
Following is a data metrics table showing the data since the week of January 4, 2021,
that CBC is tracking as well as the goal for each metric. This table will be updated periodically.
Weekly Metrics since January 2021

CBC Recommendations for Facilities Use & Gatherings
Using the FLC
VTF recently revisited our current protocol policy of NOT allowing use of the FLC for any sports/physical
activities. We have decided to update and relax our protocol and make the following recommendations on use of the FLC:
- For the purposes of discipleship and "limited" fellowship, relatively
small gatherings in the FLC will be allowed---up to 2 groups of no more than 10 people each.
- To help ensure group size, participants must sign-up (create a reservation list) prior to be event
- A sign-in attendance sheet also must be created, to list the individuals
who attended (for contact-tracking purposes if necessary)
- Only light physical non-contact activity:
- Basketball shooting allowed. No actual games like 1 on 1, 2 on 2, etc.
- Singles ping pong (No doubles)
- Doubles badminton
- Yoga or tai chi type exercising
- Other types of activities must be first approved with VTF
- Face masks must be worn properly at all times. In this context, that
means the mask must cover the mouth and nose at all times.
- Social distancing should be adhered to as best as possible:
- Incidental "crossing of paths" while retrieving a basketball or ping pong ball for example is allowed.
- Single's ping pong is already inherently social distancing as players are on opposite sides of the table.
- For any exercise-type activity, distance between participants will depend on the amount of physical exertion, heart rate and heavy breathing. For activities producing greater physical activity (basketball, ping pong, etc.), participants will need to maintain better than 6 feet social distancing. Yoga or Tai Chi is considered light activity.
- To allow players to sit/rest while waiting their turn to play and to maintain social distancing, all chairs that are set up must be 6 feet apart from each other.
Outdoor Gatherings
For outdoor gatherings at CBC, VTF recommends the following:
- Fellowship group size should not be more than 25 (or so).
- Facemasks are still required even if outside.
- Social distancing should still be adhered
- Food / eating is acceptable, but when eating, people need to be at least 6 feet or more apart (since facemasks will be removed during eating).
- Setting up and using tables and chairs is fine. However, after use and before putting them back up, the tables and chairs should be wiped down with Clorox-type wipes. Getting wipes should be coordinated with Neil/Office Admin.
Use of FLC Kitchen
For any gathering/fellowship/social at CBC, indoors or outdoors, if there is a need to use the FLC kitchen, VTF recommends the following:
- Individuals working in the kitchen must use facemasks as much as possible and maintain social distancing. As one is moving around, distances may incidentally get close and that's OK. Use your best judgement.
- Any use of the kitchen is contingent on getting consent/concurrence from the Food Services Committee.
Fellowship Following In-Person Worship Service
CBC recognizes the importance of having fellowship in our Christian lives. As such, for those who attend in-person worship service, we have decided to relax the current protocol of requiring everyone to exit the CBC facility immediately after worship service. Effective immediately, those who wish to stay and fellowship with others will be permitted to do so by gathering either in the FLC or in the Sanctuary lobby on the right side (east) of the Welcome Center adjoining the coffee bar area, providing the following protocols are adhered to:
- Each fellowship group should maintain at least 6 feet of separation from each other
- Facemasks must continued to be used at all times
CBC 重新開放給會友敬拜神的同時, 為了更好地使用教會環境, 主日學型式將會是(網上(Zoom)和親自面對面的混合主日學班)。 教會理事會批准主日學老師和會友可在教會裡上主日學課。 主日學老師和班級成員要遵守VTF建議的健康安全協定。 協定如下:
- 請聯絡Neil安排合適教室,該教室要足夠大容納那些將要在場的人,以確保有足夠的空間與保持社交距離(會友之間至少有6英尺的距離)。
- 請聯絡Neil,以確保在房間內或附近有可供使用的消毒洗手液。
- 如果出席主日學的人數多過一名(包括老師),請注意不可一起走到教室。 在前 往教室的路上要繼續保持社會距離(會友之間至少有6英尺的距離)。
- 如果需要使用洗手間,請遵守洗手間門上張貼的人數限制,使用洗手間後請再使用消毒洗手液洗手。
- 全程必須佩戴口罩。
CBC Reopening
Upon VTF's recommendation on Thursday, September 10, Church Council voted on Friday, September 11 to reopen the CBC campus for in-person attendance for the following:
- Business meeting on Sunday, September 27 at 1:15 pm in the Sanctuary, for presentation and approval of the 2020-21 church budget and nominations. Please read the additional important information on the CBC向前進.
- Worship services will resume on Sunday, October 4 at these times:
英语: 9:45 am
国语: 10:00
粤语: 11:15
在八月二日,主日,我們將舉行每月一次的聖餐。 和上個月一樣,如果你希望領受聖餐,請按以下方式準備聖餅和聖盃(葡萄汁):
- 預先包裝好的聖餅和聖盃在辦公室前可以拿到。 時間:七月二七日週一到七月三一日週五上午9:30點到下午2點。 為保持一定的距離, 你和辦公室工作人員之間不會有肢體接觸。
- 或者自己準備聖餅和聖盃(葡萄汁)。 在敬拜中, 牧師會教你怎樣擘餅和其它該做的,分給家裡其他人用。
- Harris County/休斯頓地區COVID-19病例突然增加
- 正在跟踪的VTF病毒指標突然增加
- 截至2020年6月24日,德州醫學中心(TMC)所屬醫院的重症加護病房(ICU)牀位使用率現已達到100%
- 德州醫學中心,重症加護病房牀位的使用量
- 陽性檢測百分比(總病例/全部檢測)
- 7天有效病例總數的平均值/7天測試總數的平均值
- Harris County風險傳播等級。 在6月26日,Harris County 發佈現時新冠肺炎 (Covid-19)威脅級別是級別1:留在家中(紅色)。
在七月五日,主日,我們將舉行每月一次的聖餐。 和上個月一樣,如果你希望領受聖餐,請按以下方式準備聖餅和聖盃(葡萄汁):
- 預先包裝好的聖餅和聖盃在辦公室前可以拿到。 時間:六月二九日週一到七月二日週四上午9:30點到下午2點。 7/3(週五)為國慶日(7/4)補假,教會辦公室休息。 辦公室前的大堂將由10 am-1 pm 開放以供任何會眾領取獨立包裝的聖餐杯和餅。 為保持一定的距離, 你和辦公室工作人員之間不會有肢體接觸。
- 或者自己準備聖餅和聖盃(葡萄汁)。 在敬拜中, 牧師會教你怎樣擘餅和其它該做的,分給家裡其他人用。
我們很高興地宣布,曉市頓華人浸信會(CBC)將在6月7日星期日重新開放教會進行英語,粵語和國語崇拜。 但是,主日學,兒童托兒,兒童活動或所有其他團契活動,目前暫未開放。 請注意,英語崇拜將從上午9:45開始,以便在英語和粵語崇拜之間清潔大禮堂。 粵語崇拜將於上午11:15開始。 國語崇拜時間保持不變:小禮堂/上午10:00開始。
- 保持(6英尺)社交距離
- 不要在大堂聚集
- 在大禮堂, 坐的位置請保持三張椅子的距離
- 年齡10歲及以上的人仕必須戴口罩。 2歲及以下的兒童不需要戴口罩。
我們建議高風險或65歲以上的人仕繼續在自己舒適的家中網上與我們一同敬拜。 更詳細的指引和說明將發佈在我們的網站上,還可以通過CBC的其他溝通方式進行溝通。 疫情特別工作隊(VTF)將繼續密切注意COVID-19統計信息,以了解疫情趨勢。
能夠與您們在6月7日星期日一起崇拜,我們感到非常興奮。 請在崇拜開始前幾分鐘到達,以便順利實行新指引。
新冠任務組對重開教會恢復敬拜聚會這一項活動的籌劃工作已經進入尾聲。 完成後,此計劃將交給教會堂議會審查通過。 通過以後,將需要兩週的窗口期準備好教會設施,並告知大傢俱體重開方案,例如用哪幾道們進出,必須戴口罩,等等,相關事宜
重新開放時間將取決於新冠疫情數據的進展,教會任務組將繼續對這些數據進行監測和評估。 同時,教會重開也取決於是否有足夠的義工服事。
CBC正在籌集新的,可重複使用/可清洗的口罩捐贈給一些急需口罩的當地機關和醫療部門。 如果你有負擔爲這個社區事工捐贈口罩,請在5/26星期二之前,在辦公室正常辦公室時間內把口罩帶到CBC。 請把口罩放在辦公室前的籌集箱裏(在辦公室外邊)。 現在,CBC沒有渠道得到縫製口罩的原材料,所以我們請大家自己準備原材料,或,需要的時候,互相分享一些。
請把這條信息轉達給CBC家庭中有縫紉技術並希望參與到此事工中的弟兄姊妹們。 如果你知道有哪些機構需要口罩,請和辦公室聯繫。 牧師和CBC新冠處理組將做出一套口罩捐贈計劃。
Sufficient Face Masks for CBC and Our Community:
Thank you to all the volunteers who came to sew the fabric face masks. We currently have an ample supply of face masks and no longer need additional masks. Thank you for answering the call for assistance.
在五月三日,主日,我們將舉行每月一次的聖餐。 和上個月一樣,如果你希望領受聖餐,請按以下方式準備聖餅和聖盃(葡萄汁):
- 預先包裝好的聖餅和聖盃在辦公室前可以拿到。 時間:四月二七日週一到五月一日週五上午9:30點到下午2點。 為保持一定的距離, 你和辦公室工作人員之間不會有肢體接觸。
- 或者自己準備聖餅和聖盃(葡萄汁)。 在敬拜中, 牧師會教你怎樣擘餅和其它該做的,分給家裡其他人用。
遵照Abbott州長的安全並策略地重開教會的第GA-14號行政令,並川普總統指南的"第一期計劃",CBC新冠任務組將制訂一份重開計劃。 該計劃將觸及與重開教會相關的健康/安全和其它各種事宜;並爲應該採納的流程提供相關的建議,以便減小重開教會可能帶來的危險性。 如果你希望協助制訂這個計劃,請把你的問題,顧慮,認爲我們應該注意的事項及建議提交給辦公室(neils@cbchouston.org或jooc@cbchouston.org).我們會把你的反饋轉交給任務組。
如果會友和他們的家人需要收到代禱鏈郵件或者有任何禱告需要,請聯繫Joo Chan : jooc@cbchouston.org。
- CBC教會堂議會已經通過了新冠病毒救濟款(CRF)。 請登入Covid-19 Relief Fund新冠病毒救濟款網站查看詳細信息。 食品及就業援助, 請登入新冠資源網Covid-19 Resource。
- 哈里斯郡最近頒佈了居家令,CBC將繼續在主日直播牧師正道。 英語, 粵語和國語敬拜直播的鏈接都發布在主頁上。 大家也可登入敬拜(英語)Worship Services (English) 或敬拜(粵語和國語)網站Worship Services (Chinese)。 國語敬拜請聯絡楊建牧師,加入微信群,獲得國語敬拜更詳細信息。
- CBC辦公室繼續辦公,但是工作人員保持在最少數量
- 在電腦委員會的幫助下, 我們已經開始了幫助牧師和行政人員遠程辦公的工作。
- 如果各個事工, 委員會和主日學希望遠程聚會, 可以考慮使用Zoom. 如果您需要幫助安裝Zoom, 請聯絡Pastor Dan, Joo Chan 或Neil Scholwinski,他們可以聯係技術支持,教你安裝Zoom.
- 因為很多長輩沒有辦法觀看直播,Pastor Dan 一直在和他們保持聯絡。 他正在準備一份長輩名單,可以每週把相應信件寄給這些長輩們。 如果你知道有哪位長輩需要這項關懷, 請聯係Pastor Dan.
- 暑期聖經學校籌備組繼續在做籌備工作。 學校是否延遲或取消,將另行通知。
- CBC各部的敬拜直播中,將按常規遵守四月五日棕枝主日的聖餐。 如果希望領受聖餐,需要聖餅和聖盃(葡萄汁),可以這樣做:
- 預先包裝好的聖餅和聖盃在辦公室前可以拿到。 時間:週二到週五上午9:00點 到下午2點。 為保持一定的距離, 你和辦公室工作人員之間不會有肢體接觸。
- 或者自己準備聖餅和聖盃(葡萄汁)。 在敬拜中, 牧師會教你怎樣擘餅和其它該做的,分給家裡其他人用。
有一個新冠病毒資源網頁列出了很多政府部門網站,可以幫助大家獲得可靠的與新冠病毒相關的最新消息。 該網頁在 covid-resource.html定期更新。
CBC處理新型冠狀病毒特別任務組一直在密切關注政府和新聞部門對本地疫情的報道。 本任務組和教會堂議會也一直在判斷我們該採取什麼樣的預防措施來預防疫情的蔓延。 到3/12為止,很多學區都已經關閉學區內的學校。 哈里斯郡也強烈建議取消所有超過250人的活動。
所以,週四上午教會堂議會做出以下決定:暫停在CBC舉行的所有活動, 包括主日敬拜, 主日學,AWANA, 各種體育事工, 等等。 我們會和教會堂議會一同反覆評估暫停的必要性,在我們認為安全的情況下會重新開啟所有的活動。 所以, 請大家密切關注教會網站上更新的信息.
請大家注意,雖然取消了主日敬拜,但是這個主日,何牧師和蔡牧師會分別按正常時間直播正道(時間分別是3月15日上午10點和上午11:15)。 每一個錄製的主日信息可以在英語正道 和中文正道中找到。
如果有什麼問題或建議, 請直接聯絡:
何國明牧師 Pastor Dan (pastordan@cbchouston.org) |
曾黃秀瑜 Joo Chan (jooc@cbchouston.org) |
Neil S (neils@cbchouston.org) |