Updated Risk Level – June 30, 2022
VTF continues to monitor the CDC metrics. For the weeks of June 16 and June 23, CDC has
assigned a risk level of HIGH for Harris County. CBC recommends masks indoors (still optional), consistent
with CDC’s recommendation. CBC will start posting the CDC risk factor at the entrances to the Sanctuary Building
and Education Building.
Updated Face Mask Protocol – February 28, 2022
VTF will be using a combination of local virus metrics data and the February 25, 2022 CDC updated face mask guidelines to determine what our Face mask Protocol will be. The new CDC updated guidelines assigns a risk factor (low, medium, high) to each county in each state. As of February 28, 2022, the risk factor for Harris County is Medium. Per CDC guidelines, for counties that have a low or medium risk factor, face masks can be considered optional. For counties that have a high risk factor, face masks are recommended. NOTE: CDC does not have the authority to mandate face masks, thus the recommended protocol.
Coffee Bar Reopened – February 27, 2022
Virus metrics data has improved sufficiently to allow the reopening of the Coffee Bar.
Coffee Bar Closed – December 31, 2021
Coffee/Tea Bar will be temporarily suspended until further notice,
due to current spike of Covid Omicron variant.
Protocols for Thanksgiving Lunch – November 21, 2021
- Face masks are required prior to and after the meal.
- Face masks may be removed to eat/drink during the meal.
- To provide some level of social distancing, a table/seating plan will
be used in the FLC that allows for 6 persons per round table, as well as 6 persons per doubled-up
rectangular tables. More than 6 can sit at a table if they are members of the same household; in this
case, please notify one of the volunteers so that additional chairs can be provided.
- There will be no food or drink lines to get food/drinks. Food will be
catered, with volunteers plating and serving food and drinks, to all attendees. Please be seated when
you enter the FLC.
Please enjoy our Thanksgiving fellowship!
Updated Protocols for CBC – November 7, 2021
- Face masks will continue to be REQUIRED at all times, even for those who
are fully vaccinated. Exception to face mask requirement:
Speakers/Praise Team on stage or at podium
Teachers/Leaders in front of a class/group as long as there is 6 to 10 feet of separation to first row of classroom attendees.
- Coffee/Tea Bar will be re-opened. However, no actual fellowshipping allowed
in this area as it is physically too small to allow for 6 feet of social distancing. As such, face masks are
still required at all times in this area.
- Unfortunately, all of the metrics we are tracking have increased upwards
- R(t) is at 1.41, meaning the virus is spreading.
- Average positivity rate was 8.8%, up from 5.4% 2 weeks ago
- TMC ICU capacity is now right at 100% of phase 1
- % Covid patients in TMC ICU's is now at 13.8%, up from 7.4% (2 weeks ago)
- The average number of daily Covid patients in the TMC ICU's increased to 183, up from 90 (2 weeks ago)
- The daily average of new Covid patients in the Houston Area increased to 1325, up from 398 (2 weeks ago).
- Other statistics of interest:
- Nationally 49% of the USA population is fully vaccinated.
- As of Friday, July 23, 83% of new COVID cases are of the Delta variant; 6 weeks ago, Delta only accounted for 6% of new cases.
- 99.5% of all COVID deaths have occurred with the unvaccinated. So, getting fully vaccinated is and continues to be a key factor in fighting this virus.
- Of those getting COVID, the number of kids (younger than 18) who have gotten infected has increased from 5% to 22%. That's because fewer adults are getting infected as they are getting vaccinated. Kids 12 and younger do not have the option to get vaccinated while kids between 12 - 18 years have recently been approved to receive the vaccine.
Updated Protocols for CBC - effective August 1, 2021
- Facemasks: will be required at all times in the Sanctuary/chapel
and during Sunday School hour
- Food/Beverages:
No food or beverages during worship service and Sunday School hour
Food and/or beverages are only allowed after the Sunday School hour per July 18 update.
Updated Protocols for CBC - July 18, 2021
- Food/Beverages
No food or beverages in Sanctuary.
During second hour / Sunday School hour, those who are fully vaccinated can bring in and drink their beverage. For those who are NOT fully vaccinated, it is recommended that they continue to wear their face mask as well as NOT bring in a beverage.
After Sunday School, small groups may eat together. For example, in the FLC with no more than 4 chairs/people to a table.
- Controlled entry to the main building and the Sanctuary
Will continue for now.
While we have relaxed many of our social distancing protocols, this will allow our ushers we to "informally" provide some level of social distancing by maintaining every other row seating as much as possible with one chair separation for each group of people.
We have not resumed having ushers pass the offering plate, hand out bulletins, nor the deacons to pass out the Lord Supper elements for Communion Sunday, etc. As such, having controlled entry allows for single point of pick-up for these types of items.
Updated Protocols for CBC - Effective July 11, 2021
In-person services: We will still attempt to maintain one (1) chair separation. However, the
ushers will have the option to open up other rows as necessary to accommodate all those who attend.
- Restrooms: All restrictions will be removed.
- Food/Beverage: No change from June 17 protocols.
- Water Fountains: Still maintaining one person / one fountain at a time.
- FLC Seating: Still maintaining 4 chairs to a table.
Updated Protocols for CBC - June 17, 2021
- In-person services: for both the Sanctuary and chapel, the number
of chairs for social distancing/separation is now just one (1) chair.
- Restrooms:
All restrictions removed for women's restrooms.
For men's restrooms, all of the stalls are now available for use.
- Food/Beverages:
Allowed only after the second hour / Sunday School hour.
Small groups may eat together. For example, in the FLC with no more than 4 chairs to a table.
NOTE: Per our Face Mask update on May 13, we are waiting until the end of June to allow those in 12-15 age group, who have opted to get vaccinated, to be considered fully vaccinated. At that point in time and if our data metric targets are met, VTF will decide if CBC will go facemasks optional.
Updated Protocols for CBC - June 2, 2021
- Arrival at CBC: Temperature will no longer be scanned.
- In person services:
For both the Sanctuary and chapel, the number chairs will be reduced separating each family/household group from 3 chairs to 2 chairs.
The double doors, in the back of the Sanctuary closest to the restrooms (leading into the foyer), will now be open for exiting the building after service.
Congregants in the Sanctuary will no longer be dismissed by sections / rows. All persons are free to exit at their leisure.
When exiting the Sanctuary, please do NOT stop and fellowship, blocking the exit doors. Please proceed out into the foyer.
- The Coffee-Tea bars/service will restart
No coffee, tea or other beverages are allowed in the Sanctuary or chapel.
Beverages will be provided during the Sunday School hour only for English, Cantonese and Mandarin Sunday School classes. Please do not get coffee/tea if you are entering the Sanctuary or chapel for in-person service.
Since the facemask must be removed to drink a beverage, it is strongly recommended that each unmasked person maintain at least 6 feet of social distancing with the next unmasked person.
NOTE: No food/snacks allowed yet at this point in time, including the weekly luncheon. -
- Social Distancing: During the 2nd hour / Sunday School hour, people will be allowed to decide for themselves, the level of social distancing that they are comfortable with. For example: after in-person worship service or during the group Sunday School, many people are walking / standing around fellowshipping with others, without adhering to any actual rigid social distancing guidelines.
CDC Face Mask Guidelines - May 13, 2021
On Thursday, May 13, the CDC released new face mask guidelines which allow those who are fully vaccinated to resume activities without wearing a mask or staying 6 feet apart, except where required by federal, state, local, tribal or territorial laws, rules and regulations, including local business and workplace guidance. At this time, based on the following factors, CBC/VTF has decided to retain our current face mask policy until the end of June, at which time, VTF will reassess and decide/recommend if relaxing of our face mask policy is warranted.
There are still a number of unvaccinated attendees who are coming to CBC in person. Out of our Christian love, for now we will continue to protect them by wearing face masks whenever they are present for any of our ministries (worship service, Sunday School class, etc.).
Some attendees, who have already returned for in person ministries, have provided feedback that whether vaccinated or not, they would not be comfortable at this time with an optional face mask policy and would reconsider to not coming, if that were the case. Further, there are others who have yet to return and who are contemplating returning only if face masks are still in use.
Recently, the age eligibility for getting the vaccine has been lowered to include children who are 12 - 15 years of age. With this age demographic getting their first and second shots, they would be considered fully immunized by the end of June.
Waiting until the end of June allows more time for those who are uncomfortable with an optional face mask policy to become more comfortable as more and more people begin removing their masks.
Also, waiting until the end of June will hopefully see that the data metrics (that we are tracking) will continue to reduce and possibly meet our target goals to eliminate face masks use.
Overall Face masks Policy at CBC
CBC currently requires face masks to be worn at all times on the CBC campus unless:
- Group size/gathering indoors is 15 persons or less AND all are fully vaccinated.
- Group size/gathering outdoors is 50 persons or less AND all are fully vaccinated
CBC will review and update the face mask requirements based on any updates from the CDC.
To completely remove the requirement for face masks one of the following conditions needs to be met:
- CDC guidelines no longer require wearing of face masks indoors in moderate to large groups
- The Harris County threat level goes to either Yellow or Green
- If the following four (4) data metric criteria are met:
- R(t) 14 day average < 1.0
- Positivity rate 14 day average (taking an average of TMC, DSHS, Harris County, and City of Houston) < 5.0%
- TMC 7 day average ICU capacity < 95% in phase 1
- TMC 7 day average % Covid pts in the ICU < 15%
Following is a data metrics table showing the data since the week of January 4, 2021,
that CBC is tracking as well as the goal for each metric. This table will be updated periodically.
Weekly Metrics since January 2021

CBC Recommendations for Facilities Use & Gatherings
Using the FLC
VTF recently revisited our current protocol policy of NOT allowing use of the FLC for any sports/physical
activities. We have decided to update and relax our protocol and make the following recommendations on use of the FLC:
- For the purposes of discipleship and "limited" fellowship, relatively
small gatherings in the FLC will be allowed---up to 2 groups of no more than 10 people each.
- To help ensure group size, participants must sign-up (create a reservation list) prior to be event
- A sign-in attendance sheet also must be created, to list the individuals
who attended (for contact-tracking purposes if necessary)
- Only light physical non-contact activity:
- Basketball shooting allowed. No actual games like 1 on 1, 2 on 2, etc.
- Singles ping pong (No doubles)
- Doubles badminton
- Yoga or tai chi type exercising
- Other types of activities must be first approved with VTF
- Face masks must be worn properly at all times. In this context, that
means the mask must cover the mouth and nose at all times.
- Social distancing should be adhered to as best as possible:
- Incidental "crossing of paths" while retrieving a basketball or ping pong ball for example is allowed.
- Single's ping pong is already inherently social distancing as players are on opposite sides of the table.
- For any exercise-type activity, distance between participants will depend on the amount of physical exertion, heart rate and heavy breathing. For activities producing greater physical activity (basketball, ping pong, etc.), participants will need to maintain better than 6 feet social distancing. Yoga or Tai Chi is considered light activity.
- To allow players to sit/rest while waiting their turn to play and to maintain social distancing, all chairs that are set up must be 6 feet apart from each other.
Outdoor Gatherings
For outdoor gatherings at CBC, VTF recommends the following:
- Fellowship group size should not be more than 25 (or so).
- Face masks are still required even if outside.
- Social distancing should still be adhered
- Food / eating is acceptable, but when eating, people need to be at least 6 feet or more apart (since face masks will be removed during eating).
- Setting up and using tables and chairs is fine. However, after use and before putting them back up, the tables and chairs should be wiped down with Clorox-type wipes. Getting wipes should be coordinated with Neil/Office Admin.
Use of FLC Kitchen
For any gathering/fellowship/social at CBC, indoors or outdoors, if there is a need to use the FLC kitchen, VTF recommends the following:
- Individuals working in the kitchen must use face masks as much as possible and maintain social distancing. As one is moving around, distances may incidentally get close and that's OK. Use your best judgment.
- Any use of the kitchen is contingent on getting consent/concurrence from the Food Services Committee.
Fellowship Following In-Person Worship Service
CBC recognizes the importance of having fellowship in our Christian lives. As such, for those who attend in-person worship service, we have decided to relax the current protocol of requiring everyone to exit the CBC facility immediately after worship service. Effective immediately, those who wish to stay and fellowship with others will be permitted to do so by gathering either in the FLC or in the Sanctuary lobby on the right side (east) of the Welcome Center adjoining the coffee bar area, providing the following protocols are adhered to:
- Each fellowship group should maintain at least 6 feet of separation from each other
- Face masks must continued to be used at all times
Restarting Sunday School at CBC
With CBC having restarted in-person worship service and to better support our current environment of having virtual/hybrid Sunday School classes using ZOOM (or similar technology), Church Council has approved a policy with regards to Sunday School at CBC. This policy allows for any Sunday School teacher or class member to come to CBC in-person and use CBC facilities to host or join their Sunday School class via ZOOM as long as the teacher/class members assume responsibility for strictly following the VTF recommended health safety protocols. The protocols are as follows:
- Coordinate with Neil (our facilities coordinator) to identify a classroom, large enough for those who will be present, to ensure that there is enough space for social distancing, i.e. seating must be arranged such that there is at least 6 feet between attendees.
- Coordinate with Neil to ensure that there is hand sanitizer available, located either in the room or very close by.
- If more than one (1) attendee are present (including the host/teacher, if applicable), they are to NOT walk together to the classroom. Continue to maintain social distancing on the way to the classroom.
- If there is a need to use the restrooms, adhere to the people limit as posted on the restroom doors and use hand sanitizer afterwards.
- FACE MASKS musts be worn at all times
CBC Reopening
Upon VTF's recommendation on Thursday, September 10, Church Council voted on Friday, September 11 to reopen the CBC campus for in-person attendance for the following:
- Business meeting on Sunday, September 27 at 1:15 pm in the Sanctuary, for presentation and approval of the 2020-21 church budget and nominations. Please read the additional important information on the Transition 2020 Page.
- Worship services will resume on Sunday, October 4 at these times:
English: 9:45 am
Mandarin: 10:00
Cantonese: 11:15
Communion on Sunday, August 2
On Sunday, August 2, we will be holding our monthly communion. Similar to last month, to participate, you will need to secure communion bread and cup (grape juice) by either below action:
- Pre-packaged communion bread and cups can be picked up at CBC in the foyer just outside the church office from 9:30 am to 2:00 pm, Monday, June 27 - Friday, July 31. In order to practice social distancing, no physical contact will be made between you and the church staff.
- Provide your own communion bread and cup (ex. grape juice). During the livestreaming service, the pastor will give instructions to break the bread and give/serve to other family members, etc.
CBC Campus Temporarily Closed
The VTF recommended to Church Council that CBC reclose its campus temporarily due to several recent factors:
- the sudden increase in COVID-19 cases in the Harris County/Houston area
- the sudden increase in the VTF virus metrics that are being tracked
- ICU bed capacity is now at 100% occupancy as of June 24, 2020 at hospitals that are a part of the Texas Medical Center (TMC)
Church Council has voted to accept this campus re-closing recommendation.
Effective immediately, CBC is once again closed to in-person worship services until virus statistics stabilize and/or show a decreasing trend.
The VTF will be monitoring the following key metrics in order to make a future recommendation to safely reopen CBC for in-person worship services:
- TMC ICU bed capacity
- % Tested Positive (Total Cases / Total Tested)
- 7-Day Rolling Average of Total Active Cases / 7-Day Rolling Average of Total Tested
- Harris County Risk Transmission Level. Currently, the Harris County COVID-19 Threat Level System is at Level 1: Stay Home (RED), issued on June 26.
For any questions, please contact the church office.
Communion on Sunday, July 5
On Sunday, July 5, we will be holding our monthly communion. Similar to last month, to participate, you will need to secure communion bread and cup (grape juice) by either below action:
- Pre-packaged communion bread and cups can be picked up at CBC in the foyer just outside the church office from 9:30 am to 2:00 pm, Monday, June 29 - Thursday, July 2. Although the church office will be closed on Friday, July 3 in observance of the July 4th holiday, the office foyer will be open 10:00 am - 1:00 pm for anyone wishing to pick up a Lord Supper communion cup. In order to practice social distancing, no physical contact will be made between you and the church staff.
- Provide your own communion bread and cup (ex. grape juice). During the livestreaming service, the pastor will give instructions to break the bread and give/serve to other family members, etc.
CBC Reopening for Worship Services
We are happy to announce that CBC will reopen the church for in-person English, Cantonese and Mandarin Worship Services on Sunday, June 7. However, there will be no Sunday School, Childcare, Nursery or other fellowships on campus on Sundays or during the week. Please note that English service will start at 9:45 am to allow for cleaning the Sanctuary between services. Cantonese service will begin at 11:15 am. Mandarin service time is unchanged: 10:00 am in the Chapel.
In order to safely reopen, CBC has established protocols in accordance with CDC, state and local guidelines. View the summarized guidelines flyer by clicking on the image on the left. Some of these protocols include:
- Proper social distancing (6 feet)
- No mingling in the foyer
- Sitting 3 chairs apart in the Sanctuary
- Mandatory wearing of masks for persons ages 10 and up. Children age 2 and below should not wear a mask.
We recommend that persons who are high-risk or ages 65 and over continue to worship with us from the comfort of their own homes. More detailed protocols and instructions will be posted on our website and will also be communicated via CBC's other communication methods. The Virus Task Force (VTF) will continue to closely monitor COVID-19 statistics for sudden or significant spikes in active case trends.
We are very excited to be able to worship together with you on Sunday, June 7. Please arrive a few minutes early to get used to and allow for implementation of the new protocols.
Any questions please contact the church office.
Plans to Reopen CBC for Worship Services
The Virus Task Force is close to finalizing plans to allow for the reopening of CBC for worship services only. Once finalized, the plan will be submitted to Church Council for review and approval. Thereafter, a 2-week window will be required for proper preparation of the facility and communication of protocols, such as which doors to use for entry and exit, mandatory wearing of masks, etc.
The reopening date could be affected by changes in COVID-19 statistics which the Virus Task Force will continue to monitor and evaluate, and also whether CBC can obtain enough volunteers to assist with worship services.
The tentative date for reopening for worship services is early to mid-June.
Fabric Face Masks for the Medical and Local Community
Although CBC no longer needs fabric face masks for our members and immediate community, we recognize the need to minister to the healthcare, law enforcement, municipal and other essential workers for whom masks are in short supply.
CBC is collecting new, reusable/washable fabric face masks to be donated to any local organizations and medical facilities in need. If you feel led to make and donate masks for this community ministry, please bring your masks to CBC during normal business hours by Tuesday, May 26. Place them in the marked collection box in the church office foyer (outside the office). Unfortunately, as CBC does not have access to raw materials for sewing the masks, we are requesting individual members to provide their own materials or to share amongst each other as needed.
Please pass the word along to others in the CBC family who have the gift of sewing and crafts, and who would be interested in participating in this ministry effort. If you are able to identify any deserving organizations to receive the donations, please inform the church office. The pastors and the CBC Covid-19 Task Force will decide on the final distribution plan.
Sufficient Face Masks for CBC and Our Community:
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Thank you to all the volunteers who came to sew the fabric face masks. We currently have an ample supply of face masks and no longer need additional masks. Thank you for answering the call for assistance.
Communion on Sunday, May 3
On Sunday, May 3, we will be holding our monthly communion. Similar to last month, to participate, you will need to secure communion bread and cup (grape juice) by either below action:
- Pre-packaged communion bread and cups can be picked up at CBC in the foyer just outside the church office from 9:30 am to 2:00 pm, Monday April 27 - Friday May 1. In order to practice social distancing, no physical contact will be made between you and the church staff.
- Provide your own communion bread and cup (ex. grape juice). During the livestreaming service, the pastor will give instructions to break the bread and give/serve to other family members, etc.
Reopening CBC Plan
In compliance with Governor Abbott's Executive Order GA-14 to safely and strategically reopen churches and "Phase 1" of President Trump's guidelines, the CBC Coronavirus Task Force will be creating a reopening plan. This plan will address health/safety and other concerns, as well as proposed mitigation processes. To aid us with this planning, please submit any specific questions, concerns, considerations or suggestions to the church office (neils@cbchouston.org or jooc@cbchouston.org). Your feedback will be forwarded to the task force.
No specific date to reopen CBC has been determined.
Thanks and looking forward to seeing you all again!
CBC Prayer Chain
For members and their families who would like to receive emails of the prayer chains or if you have any prayer requests, please contact Joo Chan at jooc@cbchouston.org.
To All CBC Brothers, Sisters and Friends
- CBC Church Council has approved the provision of a COVID-19 Relief Fund (CRF). Please visit the Covid-19 Relief Fund page for additional information. Additional assistance for food and employment may be found on the Covid-19 Resource page.
- Even with the recent Harris County Stay At Home order, CBC will be able to continue with livestreaming our services on Sundays. Links to the English, Cantonese and Mandarin congregation services are on the home pages. Visit also the Worship Services (English) or Worship Services (Chinese) pages. For Mandarin service, contact Pastor John to be included via WeChat.
- CBC office is still open, but with minimal staff.
- With the assistance of the computer committee, arrangements are underway to allow both our pastoral and administrative staffs to work from home remotely.
- If our various ministries, committees and Sunday School classes would like to meet remotely, ZOOM is a good option. If anyone needs help in setting up and using ZOOM, please contact Pastor Dan, Joo Chan or Neil Scholwinski and your name will be forwarded for technical assistance.
- Since many of our elderly seniors do not have the technical means to watch the livestreaming of our worship services, Pastor Dan has been in contact with them and is coordinating a mailing list for weekly letters to be sent out. If you know of anyone who could benefit from this weekly mailing, please contact Pastor Dan.
- The VBS leadership team is continuing with the planning process. A decision to continue, postpone or cancel will be made at a later time.
- CBC will observe our regular communion on Palm Sunday, April 5 during the livestreaming of our various worship services. To participate, you will need to secure communion bread and cup (grape juice) by either below action:
- Pre-packaged communion bread and cups can be picked up at CBC in the foyer just outside the church office, Tuesday - Friday from 9:00 am - 2:00 pm. In order to practice social distancing, no physical contact will be made between you and the church staff.
- Provide your own communion bread and cup (ex. grape juice). In this case, during the actual service the pastor will give instructions to break the bread and give/serve to other family members, etc.
Covid-19 Resources
When Church Council determines that it is safe to reopen the CBC campus, an announcement will be made here and through other communications methods.
A Covid-19 resource page is available with a list of governmental websites to help you navigate for reliable information concerning the coronavirus. The page will be updated periodically at covid-resource.html.
To All Brothers and Sisters and Friends
Our Coronavirus task force has been monitoring the local governments and news organizations with regards to updates concerning the virus here locally. We have then been coordinating with our Church Council on any actions that we should take. As of Thursday evening (March 12, 2020), many of the school districts have closed for varying amounts of time, including Alief ISD, Cypress ISD, Fort Bend ISD and Houston ISD. We also understand that Harris County has strongly suggested that any events of 250+ people should be cancelled.
As such, Church Council early Thursday evening has decided to SUSPEND all CBC activities at our facilities, including Sunday Service, Sunday School, AWANA, sports ministry, etc. until further notice. The task force, in conjunction with Church Council, will be continually re-evaluating this suspension of activities and will lift this suspension when we feel it is safe to do so. As such, please continue to refer back to this website for updates on our status.
Please note that even with the suspension of Sunday service, both Pastor Dan and Pastor Kai Yuen will be livestreaming their Sunday sermons this coming Sunday, March 15 at the normal service time (10:00 am and 11:15 am). The weekly recorded Sunday message will be available on the English sermon page and Chinese sermon pages, respectively.
Lastly, the church office (for now) will remain open during this time.
Any questions, comments or concerns please direct them to:
Pastor Dan (pastordan@cbchouston.org) |
Joo Chan (jooc@cbchouston.org) |
Neil S (neils@cbchouston.org) |