March 23, 2025 - "Cups: 1/2 Full or 1/2 Empty?"
I have always referred to myself as an "optimistic realist". When I meet persons who are choosing to be negatively critical and disappointed with events that life has brought their way, I am saddened that I can't "wake them up" to the Joy of what Christ has done for them! Sometimes, I meet so-called Christians who are distracted with life issues to the point that they have allowed themselves to be swallowed up in worldly matters for which they are not responsible.
Jonah was pretty good at pouting when things didn't go his way. Running from his Godly responsibilities when his personal thinking was threatened, didn't serve him well. He ran from serving God because he thought he knew better of what God should be doing with his life. Even when he finally took up his responsibility to go to Nineveh and successfully do God's service, his attitude remained a problem. He changed the lives and direction of a whole city of 120,000 people but was still pouting, for he didn't really value God's Will above his own wishes.
Is your cup 1/2 on the good side of serving the Lord or not? Full or Empty? The Scripture challenges us to "Rejoice in the Lord in all things." There are no problems or issues in life that should steal the Joy of God from us! Our desires or understanding of life's matters should never be allowed to overcome the condition of our "cup." Sure, we are all human. We all have our wishes and values, but we must remember that God works in His own ways even as He patiently teaches us that His desire is to see us lean on Him. Jonah may not have ever learned to have a Joyful Spirit as he rebelled toward God even in days when he served so efficiently! Yet, we must daily determine if we welcome a 1/2 full cup or not??? Let us all grasp that our behavior is a reflection of Christ living in us!
Donald Gardner,
Senior Pastor
March 16, 2025 - "On Prayer"
If Prayer was of value to Jesus as He walked toward His own crucifixion on our behalf (Gethsemane), then many other Scriptures speaking of prayer must be valid and instructional for you and I. Each month, we hold a church-wide prayer meeting in the Sanctuary at 12:30 pm. As the church is a gathering of the Family of God, that time together is a sacred time of fellowship with each other and, most importantly, with our Lord. One of my favorite Biblical verses on prayer reminds me to humbly keep myself firmly in the hands of my all things!
Matthew 6:5-15 says, "And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father, who sees in secret, will reward you."
As we want to be known as Christ's disciples who are boldly guided by the values and Will of God, let us all learn to pray in unison and burden. Remember, Prayer is Worship as we place our dreams, concerns, and faith in the expectation that the Father is listening to our prayers.
Donald Gardner,
Senior Pastor
March 9, 2025 - "Musings at 3:45 am"
Inadvisably, for any sane individual at this time of day, I am up and reflecting on some of the events of Sunday's time with my church family. We are a body of people with persons ranging in age from toddlers to centenarians. We have some dynamic spiritual leaders who challenge the "faith walks" of us all and some others who distinctly function as emotional babies in our circle. Yes, we are a normal church body with strengths and weaknesses. We search out how we can be both bold in the Lord's guidance and still be equally caring and gentle for those who require that sensitivity. What is our hope that we can experience a revival of burden for the lost while having a renewed spirit of fellowship with our Saviour and Lord?
I suspect that our membership knows that we should be a body of "prayer warriors" with a closeness and intimacy between ourselves and our Father that can be rivaled by few others. Yet, if our prayer lives and the fellowship of prayer as a collective body were to define our health as a church, I fear that we would all have to recognize that we are not the model for other churches that we know is desirable. In our various congregations, we politely "bow our heads to the Lord" with short prayers at varying times. Monthly, we have a church-wide prayer meeting that brings a small group of us together. Yet, we all have to recognize that the intimacy between ourselves and Christ is weak and that act of weakness needs to be placed on our own behavior and not the Lord's.
We In a recent sermon, I reflected on James 2:26 where the reminder is that "Faith Without Works is Dead." Of course, for the Christian, we recognize that "Works without Faith are also dead." If we, as Christians, find ourselves praying without taking the actions which reflect our faith that God is listening to our prayers, then we sin. Our church needs people of confidence and that confidence is in the Omnipotent and Omni Loving Heavenly Father. May we all seek out our identity at CBC for where we can truly "serve the Lord with gladness!" (Psalm 100:2) .
Donald Gardner,
Senior Pastor
March 2, 2025 - Your Church is His Church...Serve with Joy!
If Christ loved the church and gave Himself for it (Eph. 5:25), does it not follow that as His disciples, we should recognize that we are to focus our lives on loving and caring for the body of Christ which is the church? As the head of the church, Christ is loved through us when we respect and honor the things that He has taught us to value...the church. This means that we are to sacrifice our own wishes and thinking for the development and growth of the family of God...the church.
The examples of Ephesians 5 relate to both God's family, the church, and the importance of family relationships. The responsibilities of the husband toward his wife are defined in comparison to Christ's love for the church and the people in that circle of faith.
An important theological understanding for us all is that Jesus does not love the church because of its perfect behavior and ministry successes. He loves the church with a spirit of forgiveness in order to aid us to move toward an appreciation of the sanctification we have been blessed with by the blood of Christ that was sacrificed on our behalf. In the same way, our wives are loved by their husbands, not because they are any more perfect than the man, but because the husband desires to aid the wife to become an even more joyous and fulfilled individual in the family of God.
In being a part of the church of God, either locally or universally across the world, it is important that we remember that we are to be servants of the High King with our lives. It is more important that our presence contributes to improving the church's witness in our world than it is for us to treat the church as the provider of our club-like comforts. Uplifting the people of God to be humble and dedicated disciples is never a waste of time by us.
Donald Gardner,
Senior Pastor
February 23, 2025 - "Who is Your Jesus?"
Is Jesus a Lion or a Lamb? We tend to often think in forms of "either-or" with less consideration of the potential of "both-and" as we seek answers to stressful problems or things we may not understand. While Isaiah 11:6 references the Lion and the Lamb, the primary reference to Christ as both the Lion and the Lamb is found in Revelation 5:5-6. In most ways, the power and character of a Lion is viewed as an opposite to the gentle spirit of a Lamb. Jesus is presented as both the Lion of Judah and the sacrificial Lamb that was slain for the sins of mankind! In Revelation chapters 4 & 5, a heavenly throne room is revealed where a heavenly scroll is found in the right hand of the one sitting on a throne. The kingship of Christ, as the only one worthy to open the scrolls and reveal the meaning therein, is presented in this scripture for the reader to consider.
We may ask why Jesus is the chosen and worthy one to open the scrolls? As sinful and limited as we are in our faith, Christians are aware that Christ's role on the cross of Calvary was substitutionary and cleansing for our sins. Revelation 5:6 presents the victorious Jesus as the conquering Lamb whose holy blood was shed for you and me! In the Old Testament, the spilling of a pure Lamb's blood was a cleansing action to represent purity for the behavioral sins of men and a reconnection with the creator God. Jesus is our powerful Lion who is our protector and guardian as well as the forgiving, understanding, and sensitive Lamb who cares for you and me, even when we don't deserve His care. Yes, Christ is the extreme as He is both Lion and Lamb!
Donald Gardner,
Senior Pastor
February 16, 2025 - Is Preaching "Agenda" Appropriate?
The Episcopal Priest named Mariann Budde, recently presented her message of political concerns at the annual Prayer Breakfast in Washington D.C. Mariann’s emphasis on syncretism and the importance of religion revealed her understanding of the Christian faith as not being related to a personal relationship with Christ, but more as a knowledge of humanitarian concerns shared with all religious groups. While this approach may be attractive to many, it is not Christian. As a clear reminder of our discipleship and evangelistic responsibilities, Matthew 28:19-20 clarifies our role in life.
Jesus adopted the city of Capernaum as his home location after the religious leaders of Nazareth (Luke 4:16, 28-30) rejected Him. With numerous friends and disciples of Christ from that area, Jesus found comfort with the people of that city. Ultimately, it was also a city that rejected His miracles and teachings to the point that found His words of condemnation directed toward them. Christ had given his best to guide the society with truth but found hardened hearts there when many thought they knew more than He (Luke 10:13-15).
Like Houston in 2025, Capernaum had access to the gospel of Christ. Jesus walked among the people there, and yet, the people seemed to feel that their religious formality and understanding was an adequate personal choice for their spiritual lives. The behaviour of the people who walked and listened to the words of Jesus is sad. To them, just being in the building or attending religious activity was what they saw as adequate faith! In Matthew 7:21-23, Jesus simply called those people "evildoers, I never knew you!" For us, seeing the church and its people will not bring people into a relationship with Christ without a person taking action. Action by all of us is required if we truly want to know that we are Christian. Repentance and Confession reveal something that the people of Capernaum seemed to struggle with doing. For Houston, we too struggle, for many people find it almost impossible to humbly lean on the love of Jesus as we recognize that we are imperfect and in need of a Saviour! May we be more courageous than the people of Capernaum. May we all look in our hearts and ask if Jesus is there!
Donald Gardner,
Senior Pastor
February 9, 2025 - Why are any of us at CBC?
According to the Scriptures, that you and I say we believe as His family, Jesus is the head of us all and of His church. If that is true, then the comment in Scripture that says Jesus loves the church and gave himself on the cross for us is understandable and important. His sacrifice on behalf of the church reveals the character and values of God. With that in mind, the answer to why we are at CBC clearly is that we, as His followers, are here to grow in faith, grow in service, and make ourselves available each day to be witnesses for others to see Christ in our lives. We gather to study His word during the Sunday School hour each week because we seek to be like Christ as we grow in Biblical training. We, as His family, gather to worship weekly as we practice what it is to direct our praise to God for the salvation Christ provides His followers. We witness, study, serve in many different ways, and hunger for God to direct our paths. Being at CBC is not about finding the perfect church/people but is about us recognizing our own imperfections and seeing how the Lord has provided us a body of Christians with whom we may use our God-given gifts/skills.
As we know, there are no perfect churches because each church is made up of people and that is where the challenge is usually found! Over the years, I have been involved in a number of churches and each one brought new opportunities of service to the Father. There are many groups that gather in the name of Christ with various denominational names. For those denominations that represent so many church bodies, we pray for them to have a healthy theology, a healthy purpose, and that God will guide their members to follow Christ each and every day. May we all pray for the many Christian churches of Houston that are well balanced and seeking to guide their brothers and sisters to find their place of gifted service to our Lord.
Donald Gardner,
Senior Pastor
February 2, 2025 - "Inauguration Emotions"
A few weeks ago, at the Inauguration of President Trump, a new era of leadership in America was begun. However, it did not necessarily represent the wishes of all people. Change is common in life but is often highly stressful for some individuals who resent situations where they are not the final decision makers. On the other hand, change offers us the opportunity to review our circumstances and see what God may have in store through new experiences yet to be experienced!
As Christ's Disciples, we are called to ask Christ to be our Lord, to guide our behaviour and responses toward the world in which we live. For over 70 years, the National Prayer Breakfast has been held in Washington D.C. at the beginning of a new president's service. At this year's Prayer Service, President Trump and others in attendance heard a message that was more about social justice, the prosperity gospel, social and religious inclusion, LGBTQ rights, and similar things, than anything to do with the Christian life. The speaker was an Episcopal priest named Mariann Budde. She shared her agenda and revealed that her burden is not for the eternal lives of people, but instead, is focused on spreading her political leanings. With a true opportunity to speak to the nation about the importance of following Christ, she disappointed all and that includes herself. In order to show herself as inclusive and non-judgmental toward all, she wasted a message of salvation to be offered to all.
A prayer for CBC is that we may worry less about our own reputations and understanding as we focus more on how we represent the Kingdom of God with our lives. May we all seek to make CBC a stronger and dedicated body of believers who are filled with the joy of being Christ's Disciples.
Donald Gardner,
Senior Pastor
January 26, 2025 - "Character Led Jesus to the Cross"
The average man would not easily have chosen to live a life dedicated to helping others, speaking truth at all costs, and ultimately find himself sacrificing his life for others. Then again, Jesus is my mentor and hero because He is not an "average man!"
Life is full of successes and failures for each of us. Many of us evaluate our value based on the secular accomplishments that our education and careers have brought our way. Appreciation of opportunities that have manifested themselves throughout our lives is not wrong. But to find ourselves completely wrapped up in the obtaining of more and more worldly accomplishments is fleeting. The slang term of our day communicates things clearly, "you can't take it with you!" Colossians 3:1-2 says, "Therefore, since you have been raised with Christ, strive for the things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things."
We Christians are a strange breed. If we have learned our lessons well as Christ's disciples, we probably don't reflect our world's goals, values, or society well. As our brave mentor, Jesus, modeled a life of dedication and purpose. He never allowed the distractions of this world to corrupt his direction or His ultimate purpose. Indeed, even Satan could not misdirect the path of Jesus. We know the ultimate price that Christ faced on our behalf as he courageously entered Jerusalem. He revealed that being a strong leader can certainly face down the evil that is found in this world.
Donald Gardner,
Senior Pastor
John 6 reveals Jesus at Capernaum. He is seen as a focused Saviour who is concerned about truth and theology. Popularity as an ego based identity was not even a consideration, an attitude expressed within the testimony of Jesus. As has been said before, "Our Actions reveal our Character" and Jesus presented some very challenging values and teachings that resulted in the vast majority of his so-called followers and disciples walking away. As Jesus spoke of being the "Bread of Life" and the need for His disciples to "eat His flesh," the followers argued in confusion about this son of Joseph and His references to having come down from heaven! Yet, Jesus did not simplify His message or alter His words to attract public consumption even though He knew his Jewish audience was dwindling rapidly! With His listeners being highly religious persons and respecters of sabbatical laws, Jesus knew how He could have drawn in the number of followers IF that had been His goal. However, the values of Jesus were to assist His real disciples to look into their own hearts and confirm their commitment to serving Christ in all things.
We all have to review daily the depth of our faith. We have to consider how much we actually appreciate the salvation that Jesus has provided. In some cases, we have to ask ourselves how much persecution or prejudice we can endure when our Christian walk is questioned. Christian courage is to remember what the sinless Jesus has offered us on the Cross of Calvary! At Capernaum, Jesus' message was not attractive to the masses and nearly all of His followers were found out as "sightseers." There was no "cheap grace" to be offered by Jesus in that location. Jesus left the final decision to follow Him with the individuals.
I could dream that my courage to stand strong for Christ would be adequate when a time of heavy persecution might come. But, there are no guarantees about myself and my faith. The bravery of Jesus in times of threat and criticism is the model that I must seek for myself but I am certainly a failure in many ways. Jesus was tempted, criticized, beaten, spat upon, and many other things that would probably challenge my strength of faith. The religious men of his day saw Jesus as unacceptable to their legalistic understanding.
My bargain with you is that I will pray for you if you will do the same for me!
Donald Gardner,
Senior Pastor
January 12, 2025 - "Character"
You have all heard of "Sunday Christians" and understand that it is not a very complimentary thing to be held as a label for ourselves. John 6 presents Jesus as having had thousands of followers as they dreamt of seeing him perform miracles and ultimately, presenting himself as the anointed king of Israel! With time, only 12 apostles remained as the kingship that Jesus brought was not up to the demands and wishes of his followers. These 12 held on to following Christ even though He was a disappointment to the masses. If it is true that our "actions reflect our Character," the scene of thousands departing Jesus and leaving only a small band of faithful apostles with Him reveals a great deal about courage and character. Let us never follow men but remain firm to the task and needs of Christ and His Church.
In Nazareth, Capernaum, and elsewhere when addressing large groups of people, Jesus dared to speak truth that he knew would not result in his popularity. He spoke of sin, forgiveness, truth, and bold dependency toward God. When doing miracles, his followers came in mass out of curiosity but when he emphasized the "cost of discipleship" to the crowds, MANY walked away! He alienated the masses by challenging whether their faith was a daily owned reality that would carry them through times of difficulty or merely something they wore on their sleeves! Jesus came into the world bringing truth, yet He was not received. Daring to speak of the ethics, morals, and truth of God didn't draw many long-lasting friends to Jesus. Should we ever be surprised that the full message of Christ may not always be understood or received well? Let us never compromise the truth of the gospel's message for the popularity that may come by not sharing God's love.
Donald Gardner,
Senior Pastor
January 05, 2025 - "A person's mental and moral qualities"
Jesus is my hero, my mentor, and my Lord. He "feared not," allowing truth and dedication to His life's purpose in directing His choices. Jesus faced persecution for his faithfulness to live by His ethical principles and follow his moral compass. The Pharisees and Sadducees of His day were religious leaders who often challenged Him to live by their standards. Satan directly pushed Him with the societal temptations of power, position, and earthly reward. The governmental leadership found little to hold him responsible for, but still did not stand to defend Him as those leaders crumbled before the will of societal and Jewish desires.
The land in which Jesus walked was not unlike our own. The life actions that we take daily, reveal our character and values just as Jesus' actions proved His character of selflessness, courage of conviction, and heart of sacrifice. The path of Jesus held temptations and challenges, and yet, He was not one to deny, run from, or ignore those issues. He chose to bravely reveal and live the truth. Christ's modeling for us as His disciples was one of courage and dedication. Facing problems was a strength of Christ, and yet, it came with a price for Him. He had disciples who served Him as coworkers and brothers, but at times, they walked away from Him when the pressures of being a follower grew too great for their commitment. Indeed, when Christ faced government and religious leadership that ultimately took Him to a cross, there were few who surrounded Him in support. When we follow Christ as a disciple, it is hoped that His Character guides our ethics, morals, and faith to reflect Him.
My Jesus is the one who healed the sick and cleansed the temple by driving out animals and overturning the tables of the moneychangers. He stood up to the Pharisees/Sadducees when they incorrectly presented the theological teachings of God. He also prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane on His way to the Cross. Preaching truth with honesty, strength, and confidence meant that the manipulation of people was never His intent. He allowed people the freedom to choose truth and the accompanying actions of those choices or have people walk their own paths and then endure the consequences. We must all "own our decisions, words, and actions" in life if we are to be His disciples.
Donald Gardner,
Senior Pastor
December 29, 2024 - “Resources/Money Should Never Limit Our Service!”
Teaching a course in Church Administration a number of years ago, I read a book that presented the idea that one can tell the spiritual health of a church based on its yearly budget! I was intrigued by what I read and challenged myself to realize that, whether the statement was 100% accurate or not, there was certainly some truth in the comment. The boldness of planning and supporting various ministry efforts is tied to our understanding of material resources and our stewardship over these. If a Church's Budget is focused only on the activity that impacts the lives of church members, one can certainly ascertain that "the lost" of our world are not part of that church's values and concern. If the Budget is highly tied to parties, activities, outings, and the like, one needs to consider whether there is clear evangelistic intent in these or not? When buildings and their development come into play, the question needs to be considered as to how the upgrading or building will benefit the Kingdom of God on a daily basis and not just on Sunday's.
If the "Tithe" is 1/10 of our monthly income that we return to the Lord for His service, I would have to say that most churches should be doing well even without any further "offerings or alms" for the next level of giving. Don't misunderstand, the giving of offerings and alms is good after one returns the tithe but most churches should be able to build a budget based on the tithe alone. Of course, we have to admit that many believers are struggling with their understanding of the tithe and how it impacts the work, vision, and boldness of a church's direction. Let us pray that CBC is able to grasp that ALL we have belongs to God and that giving back to Him, for his Church's Ministry, is a "reasonable service."
We May we all be blessed as we develop a church known for our obedience (Ecclesiastes 12:13) and faithfulness. May we remember that we are to be the "ginger of the dish" as we seek to be creative for reaching our lost world.
Donald Gardner,
Senior Pastor
December 22, 2024 - The Way (Motivation) of Pilate: “Selfish Ambition” (Security)
“野心”(Ambition) is a troublesome concept for Chinese. It is nearly always defined in a negative way, and yet, no person would want to think that they have no clear motivation or burden for how they live their life! We tend to think that 野心 (Ambition) is a sign of selfishness and desire for personal power, position, or accomplishment. Yet, what is an opposite to this...apathy, unconcern, laziness, or a person lacking focus? Is this really more desired by us?
At From a Christian’s perspective, the word that I prefer to use is “burden (负担 or 重担!).” I look for my motivation for action to be tied to God’s values, concerns, and His heart. Choosing the correct path for myself is more about finding God’s approval and guidance than finding what is comfortable, convenient, or selfishly beneficial to my reputation. (Possibly, we need to remove the “野 ---wild” and let 热望- “desire’ get us a bit closer to “burden?”)
We all get a little confused at times and allow our ego(自我)to impact our actions and spirits. When we do this, somehow the Kingdom of God becomes less important to our decision making and we develop a hunger to see ourselves successful or respected by others. We forget that we were created for a purpose of serving our true Lord....not ourselves. As a church, we must “collectively” be focused on His Kingdom’s goals. The burden (负担) to be a useful tool for the KING is lost as we get selfishly in line with the values and thinking of our world and have “that type of 野心 (Ambition)” manipulating our hearts, attitudes toward others, and our decisions. I would pray that we all seek “the BURDEN of Christ (耶稣地重但)” as our life’s motivator with much less emphasis on personal ambition. I would especially cherish your prayer support that I might grasp, and live out, the meaning behind John 3:30, “He must increase (become greater) and I must decrease.”
December 15, 2024 - INTEGRITY
Integrity is a concept of consistency of actions, values, methods, measures, principles, and morals. Integrity is a personal choice, an uncompromising and predictably consistent commitment to honor moral, ethical, spiritual and artistic values and principles. (Wikipedia).
At times, we are called upon to make decisions that challenge our comforts and sense of convenience. Yet, it is our “integrity” that drives us to accept nothing less than the absolute truth. Jesus modeled this characteristic for us in every way. Indeed, His integrity was what caused Him the most struggles in life as He could not, and would not, compromise with the principles of truth and justice in favor of his own comforts. May we be equally as bold in valuing our own word, reputation, and integrity. A church like that will be blessed by God.
Donald Gardner,
Senior Pastor
December 8, 2024 - “Do Clouds Block Your Sun (Son)?”
While in British Columbia, I attended a Christian event called "Send North America" (SNA). David Platt, the previous International Mission Board (IMB) President, was the keynote speaker and the music was led by a group called "Shane and Shane" from Texas. The event was designed to stir up the church from apathy and the dangers of being too comfortable within our church environments. Attendees included young and old but there was a defined focus on the younger set. There was a challenge for them to consider a missionary lifestyle, regardless of whether they remained in Vancouver or moved elsewhere in our world. Obviously, this challenge goes well beyond age and is for us all.
Afterwards, I heard comments about the attire of Platt and the volume of the music. With the Jesus Movement in the late 1960’s and 70’s as my background, the music style of the night was not offensive to me. Indeed, I had helped organize several Christian Music Festivals "back in the day," when groups like Maranatha, The Liberated Wailing Wall, Love Song, and others you've never heard of were popular! As for the clothing of the speaker, I've often reflected on what John (camel's hair in the wilderness), Peter (fisherman's smelly clothes), and even Jesus (carpenter) must have worn. I realized that they weren't as concerned with the "outside package of style" as they were with the content inside the heart of a person. In a day when the needs of the lost are internal spiritual enlightenment, how can the church continue to defend our interests in structure and form? When will the urgency of the lost society around us shake us to seek relevancy as our primary task? When will the gospel be more than mere words and be viewed as providing the only REAL hope of mankind, our relatives, and our friends? Without Christ's atoning blood on the cross, there is no hope. True?
Age, culture, family background, interests, religious foundations, and many other things make up our identity and worldviews. None of us are fully alike in our thinking or in what it requires to "push our buttons." Distractions are tools that Satan has long used to keep the church from focusing on major ministries. Pray that our church will focus on the right things and take action to help it happen. We are the church and this choice is important to us and the lost.
Donald Gardner,
Senior Pastor
December 1, 2024 - THE ATTRIBUTES OF GOD
There are many words that help us describe God. Books have been written by the hundreds regarding the character traits and attributes of God. Yet, I always tend to go back to the basics of the matter: 1) He is Omnipresent (All Present), 2) He is Omnipotent (All Powerful), and He is Omniscient (All Knowing).
If the above is accurate, why do we attempt to hide things from God or even think it possible? Why do we not act, in faith, by recognizing that He can do miracles and anything else He desires? Why do we feel that God doesn’t care or understand our situation in life? How is it that we so lightly grasp the identity of God that we function as if we don’t trust or believe He even exists? He knows us intimately and even knows the number of hairs on our head. In our attitude toward such a personal, loving and caring God, we must ask what makes Christians any different from those in our society who openly deny God?
A foundational question that perhaps we all need to ask ourselves is, what needs to change in our relationship with God for us to truly allow Him to be Lord of our lives? Christ points out in Scripture, multiple times, that calling him “Lord” is not the same as allowing Him to positionally be that in our lives. If it is true that God directs our life’s purpose, surely there is more for us than mere selfish ambition, success, or comfort. With the loss on all sides, let us pray that our eyes and hearts may be pushed to action and not just talk. Let each of us find a ministry to bless others and reach out to the lost in His Name.
Donald Gardner,
Senior Pastor
November 17, 2024 - Fear Calls for Our Respect!
Fear is often misunderstood, for it usually leads us to experience an emotional response toward an outward threat. Yet, the "Fear" referred to in Scripture is connected to our God and is a comment about not just a temporary emotional feeling but a challenge to our very being. In Ecclesiastes 12:13, it says, "Fear God and obey His Commands for this is the whole duty of mankind." This is a "fear" that calls for our respect and dependency on the Will of God beyond what is convenient or easy!
I confess, in the world in which we live, that I do experience fear. I fear that if our church isn't more bold to focus on evangelism, the Holy Spirit will send his blessing and power elsewhere.
I fear that discipleship is being neglected in favor of worrying about what could be difficult.
I fear that truth is sometimes ignored with a preference for listening to the values of our society.
I fear that we may treat Sunday as our holiday/vacation time more than as a worship time.
I fear that the values and morals of God are becoming lost, even by those of us called Christians?
I fear, greatly, that Christians are being more passive in their faith as we see our church only as a place for religious activity.
I fear that our Christian faith is misunderstood by our youth, as our parents somewhat neglect the responsibility of discipling their own children.
I fear that pastors don't pray enough for God's complete guidance for us to be shepherds of the church, even as difficult cultural challenges and moral choices surround us.
I fear many things, but most of all, I fear that God is aware of our lack of courage to boldly and proudly stand up toward anyone or anything that constrains our witness for Christ. May we not be distracted by concerns for our own reputations or identity. Remember, we are to serve the Lord with gladness and dedication even beyond what is convenient. Bless You all!
Donald Gardner,
Senior Pastor
November 10, 2024 - Get The Complete Story and Do Something!
As a child, one of the first US Presidents that I remember well was J.F. Kennedy. A quote that he used to describe the need for courage and responsibility by Americans during times of difficulty also challenges the church of our day. He quoted an Irish philosopher as saying, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." This is not a call to fight for one's rights or for personal reputations to guide our behavior. Having served in the military, Kennedy knew what it was to push through challenging situations even when the circumstances were complex or only partially understood.
For the church today, the actions of "good men/women" must come from our strength and convictions that are balanced by the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Being passive or afraid of the criticisms of men for the protection of ourselves is an example of Kennedy's point as to where evil is evidenced. Not all that appears acceptable or correct truly represents the Will of God and is good in God's sight. We must never fear standing up for what God revealed! Let us be a church that does not act nor make decisions based only on our emotions or connections, but be a church that is boldly known for following the Christ who gives us eternal life! We must be people of action....Spiritual Action!
Donald Gardner,
Senior Pastor
November 03, 2024 - “Communication Tools Required”
As Christians, we all enjoy learning about history, habits, customs, and traditions found in the Scriptures. Recently, I listened to a wonderful lecture on Sacrifices, the Cleansing of Sin, etc. There was instruction on Old Testament and New Testament understanding. At some point during the talk, I began to consider the reality of our environment. For me, the word “Sin” (罪) is not threatening or something that I fear the confession of, since I have Christ as my Savior. Yet, I had to admit to myself that the lecture was focused only on Christians and would be absolutely unacceptable to a non-Christian! The term “sin” would be totally misunderstood and the idea of sitting/listening to this presentation would “miss the target” for those listeners.
I began to realize that if everyone in that room was to think about their co-workers and their attitudes towards the concept of what they understood to be “sin,” probably 100% of those people would deny that they are a “sinner.” In 1 John 1:8-9, it says, “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.” Yet, do most non-Christians even grasp what they are saying when they deny being a “sinner?” For us today, I want to challenge us to remember that we live in a “Postmodern World” where “Sin” is not considered an important issue. Reading is no longer the most highly valued approach to learning, as video has taken over that position. Talk has less of an impact when people are looking for authenticity. If we depend on the church service and words alone to communicate Christ’s activity and love, MANKIND WILL BE LOST. We must, as Christians, determine to be “risk takers who push ourselves” with communicating Christ’s love to our world. What creative and interesting skills do you have that will get you into the lives of the lost people around you and allow you to demonstrate “Christ’s Love?”
Donald Gardner,
Senior Pastor
October 27, 2024 - "Are You a Mule, a Horse, or a Donkey?"
I challenge you today to pull out the Spiritual Mirror from your back pocket and have a long look at yourself. Do it now! What do you see? Are you a happy, vibrant, joyful servant of the Father or is something keeping you distracted from your “joy?” Remember, nobody can take your “joy” away from you for your emotions belong to you! Situations and people can disappoint us but “joy” is from God and is NOT to be given over to circumstances.
We all know that a Mule is a combination between a Horse and a Donkey. The horse is known as being smarter/teachable but also viewed as physically weaker than a donkey. A donkey is strong and powerful but not so intelligent. With this in mind, the breeding of mules has provided an answer to all problems by producing a strong, stubborn, but reasonably intelligent animal capable of doing important work. Yet, the animal is, within himself, not able to reproduce.
A church that doesn’t see reproduction of disciples and churches as part of its goal is lacking in direction and purpose. This type of church is imbalanced and has settled for a mule’s life and purpose. This is a church that may work hard and provide some strengths but will tend to become very in-bred and self-focused with little broad vision for its life contribution. Reaching out to the lost has become a forgotten responsibility and focus to this type of body. These types of churches don’t represent the “organism-like” identity for which the church was born. Is evangelism, missions, and church planting ever an option for the church to ignore? The answer depends on whether we determine to be a healthy well-balanced church or merely an internally focused club or meeting group. Let us choose carefully for why we exist on this day. Are there changes our church may need to make to have us be a reproducing and loving family of Christ? God helps us all to find that direction in our lives.Donald Gardner,
Senior Pastor
October 20, 2024 - "Different Paths for Different People"
Recently, I attended the anniversary of Emmanuel Chinese Baptist Church in Overland Park, Kansas. We had over 250 present in the worship services on that day and the atmosphere was joyous. As the church's founding pastor, beginning back some 40 years ago, I was greatly touched to see how God has grown His family. At the same time, I couldn't help but wonder where many of my old friends had gone? Asking others, I was told that some had passed on, some had moved away, some had joined other churches, and some had merely "dropped out" of sight! Some of these decisions are obviously quite understandable but, at the same time, there are questions that remain when some persons merely disappear! Sometimes, we know where and why people walk away from a church but I've never known a pastor who wasn't concerned or curious when he looked around to find someone missing that he is used to seeing.
I left Emmanuel Chinese in 1988 and I rejoice at their continued service to the Father. I am now at Chinese Baptist of Houston and am thrilled to be serving with this part of God's greater family. Yet, I have met numerous persons who have experienced things that disappointed or frustrated them enough that they left CBC for a time before returning. I can't help but remember the Parable of the Prodigal Son. In that parable, the Father continued to love his loyal son who had patiently worked and served at home. Yet, he revealed his continued love toward his more "independent son" who had run away to follow his own path. The point is that God desires us to serve Him regardless of the path we take. This is hard for the "faithful son" to understand as he had been so dependable with his life toward his father. I, like that father, can well understand the feeling he must have had toward his more "wayward son!" Yet, God the Father challenged a type of love and forgiveness that is beyond what we might see as common or amazing. One thing that I see in the prodigal son's father is a willingness to welcome home a son that had taken the road less traveled. May we all respect others who travel a path unlike our own even as we pray that they return to serve with us at CBC!
Donald Gardner,
Senior Pastor
October 13, 2024 - A Servant Leader Model!
While offensive to many in our world today, the Christian's willingness to be referred to as a "servant" is a bit unique. With Christ as our model, we see His modeling of one who focused on the needs of others above His own preferences, dreams, goals, comforts, etc. Truth was His mantra and servanthood was His testimony, even to the cross. For Jesus, to take the title of "servant" was viewed as more desirable than to be called "king."
In the area of "leadership," we see Christ as one who didn't push himself to the forefront for the purpose of displaying His superiority. Instead, Christ's natural wisdom and sensitivity toward others revealed the depth of His purity, love, and truth. He led by example in word and deed. He challenged the system, the customs, the religious expectations, the government, the very core of man's understanding of what it was to be important and successful as a man! Yet, this "challenging" wasn't for attention but for the desire to show that man can be more important than just what a self-focused identity might bring. Jesus presented us with true "servant leadership" in the voluntary form of His own spirit and sacrifice.
May we today be even a portion of the servant leader that Jesus has been for us. May we learn to value what it is to give one's life for others. May we welcome opportunities to work "beyond our own comfort zones" for the Kingdom.
Donald Gardner,
Senior Pastor
October 6, 2024 - "Theology (the study of God) is important for us all!"
In 1975, I was privileged to move to Hong Kong where I worked with University Students at Hong Kong Baptist University. In that Fall, I received training to be a Counselor at an upcoming Billy Graham Crusade. During that Fall of ‘75, we learned what it was like for a city to be mesmerized by the impact of the gospel. Meeting in the Hong Kong Stadium and the overflow crowd in the Happy Valley Racetrack nearby, there were over 220,000 persons in the five nights of services. During those days, there were nearly 25,000 1st time decisions for Christ that were recorded. Why do I mention this? Salvation is by its very definition and in line with the Scripture of John 3:16 (For God So Loves the World that He Gave His Only Begotten Son that ALL who believe On Him Shall not perish but have Eternal Life). While God knows who will use his/her freedom of choice to accept Christ as Saviour & Lord, the Father's knowledge is not a control on an individual's decision making. In essence, there is a difference between Predestination and Predetermination. God's Omniscience doesn't eliminate the free will he provides for each of us. One of the comments that Dr. Graham has used many times over the years is, "Christ came for the whole world and not just some of us!" God desires to see us use our own personal "will" to find "His Will." For God to know what our choices will be regarding salvation is not the same as His pre-determining our choice as though we were just pieces on a chessboard.
I am happy that the God I worship knows the hairs on my head and understands my character and personality. I am saddened that I am such a poor follower and disciple of Christ. Yet, I am so highly appreciative of the freedom of choice that God gives to us all for either receiving Christ's salvation or not. I have friends that I pray for who have not, after many years, chosen to follow Christ. Missions exist in a church because the lost around us still need to make a decision, as Dr. Graham called for each time he preached. I have not surrendered my prayers for my friends and hope each of them will repent of their sins and follow Christ. For us to be a true church, we must hold on to the burden of sharing Christ with the Lost for God does "Love the World...." I praise God for the freedom of choice given to each person as we evaluate the actions of Christ on the Cross on our behalf. In that evaluation, God must smile and rejoice with His angels for each of us using our freedom so wisely to come in line with His perfect Will! (Luke 15:10----In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the Angels of God over one sinner who repents.” )
Donald Gardner,
Senior Pastor
September 29, 2024 - Church Growth
The term "Church Growth" is interpreted by each person. One type of church growth is a description of how the facility owned by a church body increases in size. A second type of church growth would describe an increase in the number of church members that choose to affiliate with a specific church body. Yet, the third type of church growth is the one that I wish to speak about today, spiritual maturing of God's people.
As we know, the gathering of large numbers of people is not necessarily a reflection of a healthy church body. Of course, we all desire to see the church reaching out in Christ's name and that outreach resulting in more lost persons repenting and joining in the church's ministries. Yet, the idea that a church may have activities or entertainment that attracts persons to come to a specific church body is no guarantee that true spiritual development is happening in the lives of the people. No true Christian would desire to simply flounder in his/her spiritual life when the alternative is to move gradually toward a mature follower of Christ...true?
Sometimes when we read the Biblical books of Hebrews, Romans, Revelation, Jeremiah, or others, we find ourselves a bit "swallowed up" in the depth of the teachings presented. What I want to say to us today is that this struggle for truth and understanding is OK! To wrestle with God's teachings is healthy. For us to mature in our Faith, we must cherish the opportunity to study and learn God's truth for our lives. My prayer for the people of CBC is that we may hunger, from the core of our being, to never be satisfied with anything less than true Christian growth. Let our activities be tools for outreach but never an end in themselves. Let our friends and relatives be loved by us, as Christ loves us, and let us never be guilty of just ignoring those without Christ.
Donald Gardner,
Senior Pastor
September 22, 2024 - "Disheartened? ...Fear not!"
Disheartening News is that which disappoints us or is less than encouraging. Recently, I attended a prayer meeting where there was a mixture of joyous sharing and disheartening news. Problems remind us to make sure we are more dependent on God and less dependent on ourselves......a good thing!
Some people face difficulties and trials by retreating or implementing flight! Some attempt to seek God's strength and boldly push onwards for the Kingdom and His Church. Some, even in the name of Christ, may be misguided to say things that are less than exemplary to the cause of Christ's church. It is important to remember that we are all human and sinful (Romans 3:23). We may not understand the thinking or actions of others, but God's work, and love of mankind, must remain as a motivator for the decisions we make and what we say. It is through our grasp of God and His Will for our lives that we may see our attitudes, actions, and words become of value. May we daily choose to be more of an encourager and less of a spoiler with the utterances we provide toward others.
Psalm 19:14 drives us forward with the words, "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.
Donald Gardner,
Senior Pastor
September 15, 2024 - Making Friends
A while back, I was in a medical lab where I came across an elderly couple with a problem. I quietly listened as they spoke Cantonese to each other about their lack of English skills. They tried to use their telephone as a translator but it wasn't working well. I knew it would appear strange for me to jump into the mix with me speaking Chinese but, I stepped in! Well, I can simply say that I have two new friends.
Sometimes things don't go as we have planned. What we think of as a simple trip to an office can become an opportunity to build new understandings and friends. By the time we had managed this couple's problems in that medical lab, they were asking about my church, what the meaning of "Baptist" was, and other questions related to the Christian faith. I had gone into that office with a book and a plan to read while waiting for the processing required to get my own needs met. However, God had something different in mind as I was privileged to watch His actions bring about a totally different focus for the time there. Had I held strong to my original intention for the morning, I would have missed the blessing intended for those moments with this couple.
Life is more than winning or losing in issues and debates. It is more than worrying about what is convenient for us or what may be seen as unusual/improper to others. Christ modeled a boldness when dealing with people, that was beyond what most people would see as normal. He was open, free, honest, burdened, clear, loving, firm, and many other things as he focused His life towards the needs of people. Each day opportunities come our way to impact others around us, but how we respond is up to us.
Donald Gardner,
Senior Pastor
September 08, 2024 - “I Hate Change!”
Truly, I do hate change…..”sort of!” There is great security and comfort in being with old friends in similar surroundings, where I am less likely to make cultural or linguistic mistakes. Yet, that is not what God called me to do. He didn’t call me to be safe, comfortable, or settled. My missionary life of 35+ years has had me make a fool of myself many more times than you can imagine! Indeed, He hasn’t called most of us to this type of “clean and safe” life.
We live in a world of constant changes. Whether we like this or not, it doesn’t change the reality of the picture. When we think of the church, we must consider that CBC started 70 years ago. It is not, nor should it be, the same church that exists today. Everything around us is different from how things were 70 years ago. (I can still remember paying 20 cents per gallon for gasoline.) Indeed, things differ from what existed 20 years back, 10 years back, or even 3 years ago! Yet, all too many Christians spend their every waking effort to retain the church that they remember from years past, without any regard for the fact that “survival of the church” need not be our goal! The church is to be relevant in its service and never focused on just existing or survival!
II Cor. 11:23-28 says of Paul, “I have worked harder than others, been in prison more often, received the 39 lashes, been beaten with rods, been stoned, been shipwrecked, been in danger of my countrymen, been in danger in cities, countryside, and from all types of people, been cold and naked, etc.” Changes come to us all. Struggles and challenges come to us all. We tend to think that we want to be in God’s Will because it will be “safe and secure” but what God means by “safe and secure” may well be different than what we expect. Paul suffered, experienced persecution, and was clearly in God’s Will. When we pray for God’s Will and safety, we may well not fully understand what it is that we dare to request!
Donald Gardner,
Senior Pastor
September 01, 2024 - Tame Lion?
Jesus went out and saw a tax collector by the name of Levi sitting at his tax booth. "Follow me," Jesus said to him and Levi got up, left everything and followed. Then Levi held a great banquet for Jesus at his house and a large crowd were eating together with them. But the Pharisees (religious leadership) and the teachers of the law, who belonged to their sect, complained to his disciples, "Why do you eat & drink with tax collectors and sinners?" Jesus answered them, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance." (Luke 5:27-32)
To quote C.S. Lewis, "He is NOT a Tame Lion!" Jesus didn't come to establish a Sunday Retreat Center for Christians. He came to see a developing church that He would be proud of for standing up for truth, justice, evangelistic burden, love, hope, caring, prayer, ministry, faith, fellowship, etc. If our model for Christian living is Jesus, we must ask ourselves, "What Have I done, this week that is Not Tame and beyond the usual in the name of Christ?" How does my presence on this terrestrial ball make a difference to others? How can I work with other brothers/sisters to stretch out beyond the confines of our church facilities and become the “light” that our dark world needs so desperately? Look inside yourself today and see if you have a gift or talent that our church can use to start a ministry that impacts the lives of the lost! Share your ideas with others, including me, and let’s see what God can do with your availability. Our time usage is a daily choice!
Donald Gardner,
Senior Pastor
August 25, 2024 - Clear Direction…..or not!
Jesus is the model for Christians. He walks in front of us and challenges us to follow His life. Yet, we tend to forget that even Jesus had to go to Gethsemane to pray for direction and courage. Peter was certainly surprised at his own failures and Paul ended up regularly on ships headed in directions that God altered. To follow Christ is to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s constant directional adjustments!
Leaders are people who feel the pressure to have the immediate and correct answers to many questions. If we are not careful, we allow that stress to motivate us to, at times respond to some questions without wisdom or God’s guidance. Spiritual leadership is not the ability to know it all. It is the sensitivity to recognize one’s own limitations, seek advice as needed, and the courage to boldly move forward in expectation that God will be there before us.
May the leadership of CBC know the joy of dependency as we step out in faith and the expectation to try new ministries, new leadership models, and new outreach in His name.
Donald Gardner,
Senior Pastor
Do ministers ever wonder about the quality or receptivity of the messages they share? The answer is, yes! Just as is true with this article or a sermon, a pastor desires to present encouraging and stretching messages that have value in helping his readers/hearers to become more effective in living out their lives for Christ. And yet, I can’t help but question whether this attitude of self-expectation is valid? Let us think about it.
Did Jesus worry about, or have any concern for, whether his messages were popular or desired by his listeners? Was Jesus selective to only share messages that would be gentle or non-threatening? Did Jesus only speak to hearers who would be receptive to His thoughts or did He find himself in multiple types of environments?
Stephen was a joyous Christian of courage and burden. Stephen was stoned to death for his efforts. John the Baptizer was a dedicated layman of strong stock and personality as he went wherever it was required to share the story of Jesus. John was beheaded and had his head placed on a plate for his efforts. Jesus was a loving Savior that modeled honest and clear challenge for men to repent and seek the Kingdom of God at all costs. He was crucified.
Hmmm, maybe worrying about the popularity of a message and its receptivity isn’t something that shows my hunger to be like Christ after all. Maybe this attitude reflects something that I, and others, need to think about a bit more?
Donald Gardner,
Senior Pastor
August 11, 2024 - The Church Must Be The Church!
Circumstances bring stress, situations change, people fail us, work closes opportunities, our friends move away, the church is too petty and self-centered, our society is God-less, our world seems focused only on money, and I'm insecure without my "traditions/habit.” In the end, we still have to determine if we are an optimist or a pessimist with all that surrounds us! How do we cope? Do we just "surrender," to be confused or angry within our hearts?
Actually, such is life! For some reason, people often tend to think that life SHOULD be easy and revolve around themselves. All the comforts and activities should gently fall into place like a puzzle with all the pieces marked for our convenience. Yet, if we think for just a moment, we realize this is NOT the case. People seldom have the "ideal life" and even those with "all the puzzle pieces together" still have hidden struggles of their own. Divorce, Suicides, Murder, Car Crashes, Lawsuits, and many other "less than enjoyable circumstances" flow around even the most "wealthy and successful" of people. So, what are we to make of it all? Stephen, in the Book of Acts, had a short but most "successful life's run!" He chose significance over safety. He chose strength of character over fear. He chose Christ over Religion. He chose boldness over retreat. He chose Jesus over the threats of man. He chose consistency over compromise. He chose death over surrender. He chose martyrdom over passivity.
Life isn't easy and it never was intended to be so. Even Adam & Eve were supposed to "tend the garden!" Let us learn from Stephen and not fear the challenges that come our way but remain strong as a Christian Family as we "choose Christ and His strength" to face tomorrow and tomorrow's tomorrow! The future of CBC is still in His Hands!
Donald Gardner,
Senior Pastor
August 4, 2024 - Target: Pew Sitters!
In 1741, Jonathan Edwards preached the sermon "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" to his own congregants. His target was those "pew sitters" who had become religious and comfortable with playing the "God game" with their lives. His target was to see God reach down in the hearts of lost "religious people" and challenge them to "be real" with themselves and with God.
With Edwards, I agree that many of us grow our children up in the church and have Christianized them well while they have never actually "met Christ as Saviour and Lord." Looking sweet, acting nice, doing "appropriate actions" should never be the end goal of the Christian parent for his/her child, when a bold and genuine relationship with God is also available! Jesus called us to be so much more than Sunday choir members and "pew sitters for the Kingdom!" Let us all ask ourselves what it would be like to truly follow the Christ of the Bible even to the point of making our life's decisions based on His values and goals? CBC deserves to provide Houston with true Disciples who are bold, strong, courageous, and willing to get beyond our comfort zones, habits, religious boxes, and church buildings. So what plans do we need to make? This week, discuss with a friend what Jesus' personality and modeling really was for us. How much of his modeling was centered around his conveniences? It could change your life....and the lives of others.
Donald Gardner,
Senior Pastor
July 28, 2024 - CHALLENGING WORDS TO FOLLOW & APPLY (Matt. 15:10-12)
Jesus said, “It is not that which goes into the mouth that defiles a man but that which comes out of his mouth.” Then, having heard this, his disciples said to Him, “Don’t you know that the Pharisees were offended by your words for what you’ve said?”
For the Jews, the rules tied to dietary intake were many and to eat anything unclean was sinful and to be judged. Yet, Jesus dared to say that this emphasis on food prohibitions was not as important as what was coming out of the heart of the person. He defined the religious establishment’s laws as petty. It was not clothes, rituals, nor customs that were to be valued but the heart and words of the person.
As we reflect on ourselves and our church, by what standard do we live? Are we more preoccupied with how we appear to others or is our appearance a reflection of who Christ is in our lives? May the Father give us the “courage of Christ” to BE Christian more than just LOOK Christian in the eyes of any who might see themselves as the standard for Christian behavior. Serve Him Boldly!
Donald Gardner,
Senior Pastor
July 14 & 21, 2024 - Worship is Not a Show!
A couple of years back, I attended a meeting of ministers & co-workers of the Chinese Baptist Fellowship in Houston. Having been active within that circle in years past, it was enjoyable to see old friends and make new ones. With only a minor role in the proceedings of the meetings, I still found myself headed to the platform on one of the evenings that Francis Chan was also to speak. As we approached the stage, I was most uncomfortable with the atmosphere of things only to find us forced through a line of about 10 young people giving “high fives” and pushing up the emotions of the moment while welcoming us forward. Having heard the very humble and spiritual message of Reverend Peter Chung earlier that day, I fear that I gave little encouragement to these young people’s efforts as I really had no need to feel like a football star. Indeed, it was all I could do to continue walking towards the platform and not reject the whole atmosphere by leaving the service!
Brothers and Sisters, what motivates your life and decisions? All discomforts and struggles are not unhealthy but may be a message from the Father. Our walk, our service, our behavior, our decisions are all about the church. Feeling that we “won” or “lost”, in a church issue, need never be our priority. Colossians 1:18 reminds us that Christ is the head of his body, the church! We must not get confused nor do that which is detrimental to His name. We serve as a family and a united body as we seek to grasp the full concept of what it is to be His Servants. My prayer is that we never see the church services or ministries of CBC become a “show!”
Donald Gardner,
Senior Pastor
July 7, 2024 - Wineskins
There is a story about a young girl that wanted to learn how to make Banana Bread at home. When asking her mom about why she always cut off the end of the bread before she placed it in the oven, her mom simply replied that she prepared it that way because her mother had done it that way. The mother then encouraged the daughter to call her grandmother and ask why she did this. Receiving the phone call, the grandmother laughed and said, "I cut off the end before placing it in the oven because I had a small oven and a cooking pan that was short!
The obvious point is that we don't always choose the best and most efficient approaches. We don't even understand why we do many things or re-evaluate what is true or useful. We function out of habit, custom, convenience, and other reasons. Yet, "cooking the banana bread" in the way it was cooked 40 years ago simply because that was their situational need, should remind us that we should try to understand the needs of CBC today and not be "outdated" in our ministries and outreach.
We need "new wine in new wineskins".....for the sake of the lost (Luke 5:36-39). May our customs and traditions never restrain our hunger to be a relevant and learning congregation.
Donald Gardner,
Senior Pastor
June 30, 2024 - TO THE EDGE!!!
When a person accepts Christ as Saviour, that person has chosen to be different from the surrounding society. This decision means we are welcoming a new value system and viewpoint of the world. Our goal has become to see our surroundings through the “eyes of Christ.” We have become citizens of the Kingdom of God! This makes us aliens and strangers within theworld in which we reside, for our world is not “God sensitive” toward His commands and expectations. The closer we get to Christ and His values, the farther we will get from the things of this world. Are you prepared to live this life of constant growth?
A “domesticated Christian faith” is one that is trained for the “rights and wrongs” of moral obligation. Yet, for the liberated follower of Christ, we serve Christ out of our freedom (Gal. 5:1) and our very being! Reward and responsibility are not our motivators. We don’t spend our efforts separating things between sacred and secular or common versus spiritual. The things of God are integrated into our motivations, plans, values, decisions, work, play, and all things sacred to us.
Today, I desire to remind us to never compromise/settle for being a domesticated or tame follower of Christ. Jesus modeled anything but a domesticated or “boxed” Jewish leader. We too must learn to be “cutting edge” with our dreams, goals, and service to the Father if we expect CBC, and ourselves, to be blessed for our courage in serving our Lord!
Donald Gardner,
Senior Pastor
June 23, 2024 - So What's in a Name?
"Chinese Baptist Church" tells anyone that we are a number of things. We are, at the very least, a group of Christians that meet together in the city of Houston. We have a belief system that follows the Baptist denomination. We are probably made up of mostly ethnic Chinese individuals. Beyond that, who are we?
In the Book of Revelation, the church of Ephesus is said to have "lost its focus...and first love." The church of Laodicea was described as being "lukewarm," and neither hot nor cold. Let us consider, for a moment, how others might view CBC and describe us? Which descriptions would you choose for us to be known as?
1. "Left Its First Love"
2. Comfortable and Secure
3. Financially Stable and Predictable
4. Bold and Risk Taking
5. Careful and Selective
6. Burdened and Creative
7. Significant and Adventuresome
8. Non-threatening and Courteous
9. Honest and Offensive
10. Safe and Traditional
11. Generous and Sacrificial
12. Other?
Who are we and who do we "hunger" to be? The Scripture challenges us to "hunger and thirst after righteousness." It may be "safer" to stay in our homes and church buildings in order to avoid the problems of life. But in fact, our greatest impact is found in how we make decisions and engage life and people. When we think about Jesus, He impacted people not because He remained in an environment of security but because He dared to boldly push forward, questioning the values of His society and world. Let us pray for clarity and the courage to push beyond our own "comfortable Christian bindings." The Church Must Be the Church and that is us!
Donald Gardner,
Senior Pastor
June 16, 2024 - Jesus Hated "Religious Boxes!"
Christ's walk on earth was that of "the" holy man as He modeled the definition of Christian Discipleship. He found clarifying truth within the superficial terminology and limitations of the religious thinkers of His day. His model was one that screamed dissatisfaction with a compromised and unengaged life. He lived fully as He lived for others. Where was the selfishness and personal concern for comfort, recognition, and worldly success? Where is the man fighting for His own rights? Jesus taught "Beyond" Scripture....Beyond the established habits, customs, and expectations of customary religious understanding. He started with an accepted and understood standard and then "pushed the meaning" to the point of relevancy and application!
A)"Whoever looks on a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart." (Matthew 5:28)
B)"Swear not at all; neither by heaven; for it is God's Throne!" (Matthew 5:34)
C) "Whoever shall smite you on your right cheek, turn to him the other also. If a man will sue you at the law, and take away your coat, give him your cloak also." (Matthew 5:39-40)
D)"Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you that you may be children of your Father which is in heaven: for He makes the sun to rise on the evil and the good...." (Matthew 5:44-45)
E) "When you pray, do not be hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets to be seen by men. They have their reward. But you, when you pray, enter into your closet, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father which is in secret and your Father which sees in secret shall reward you. Don't use vain repetitions, as the heathen do, for they assume they will be heard for their much speaking." (Matthew 6:5-7)
We must all Choose: Is our Lord the one of religious teaching or the one that stretches us to be practical and relevant within our society? Is our Lord a Sunday appointment or a daily fellowship friend? Am I taking from the church or am I contributing to the body of Christ with my time, my prayers, and my commitment to serve? Daily, we all choose!
Donald Gardner,
Senior Pastor
June 9, 2024 - Missionary Strategy Mindset
With a goal of reaching a specific people group with the gospel and seeing a Church Planting Movement occur, prayer has always been foundational for missionaries and not merely optional. For those of us who are "workaholics," many would assume that prayer is secondary for us. This is not the fact. Any work, regardless of its appearance, that is not founded on His strength and purpose is "living on a fault line!" Prayer is the most foundational form of social action, as this act changes us and those around us.
Most missionaries across East Asia have had, for many years, a clear focus to reach the lost with the gospel and start churches. Within a "thesis-sized" master plan that these individuals develop, they present evangelism, discipleship, outreach, partnering, and other plans for achieving their goal. Yet, the 1st strategy step is always the same....Prayer! They enlist prayer partners from around the globe to pray for their people, group or city because we all recognize that God blesses the prayers of a righteous person. May we, at CBC, respect God enough to "attempt great things for Him while expecting great things from Him.....(William Carey)."
Donald Gardner,
Senior Pastor
June 2, 2024 - Children Choir in the Summer
Dear Church family,
I just wanted to make sure you all know that we are starting the Children’s Choir practices very soon. In fact, the first rehearsal is on June 9, 2024 from 1:30 pm - 3 pm in the chapel. We will meet for rehearsal every Sunday afternoon until August 4 th. On August 11th, we will have our concert program at 2 pm in the Sanctuary.
Why are we having a children’s choir? Here are a couple good reasons:
1. The Chinese school is on break during the summertime, and this is a good opportunity for our children to sing familiar Christian songs and learn Bible stories.
2. It will be a great outreach opportunity to non-church families who have not heard the gospel message. During the children’s rehearsal time, we will have adult interest groups for the parents to join. It will be a great opportunity to connect with each other and share the gospel.
I would like to encourage CBC families to invite your children or grandchildren to sign up. We also covet your prayers and support for this wonderful ministry. Lastly, please plan to join us at the concert on August 11th at 2 pm in the Sanctuary. I promise that you will be blessed!
Kai Yuen Choi,
Cantonese Associate Pastor
May 19 & 26, 2024 - In His Grace do we Move and Flow!
Galatians 5:1, 5:4-5 says,
Stand fast! (never wavering) in the Liberty provided by Christ as He has set us Free to not be entangled in the
bondage of laws/rules.... Christ has become of no effect unto you. IF you seek to be justified (for your sins and
life actions) by the law (Scripture)....and we become "fallen from His Grace!”. For we should, through the Spirit
of God, look toward the hope of righteousness by faith.
Different things bother all of us. We have a little internal "book of expectations" that we mentally carry around within ourselves and that "book" impacts our daily reception of the actions and approaches that others take toward various things. Judgmental? Probably...yes. Yet, we are human and learn slowly!!!
Recently, I attended a meeting that contained a mixture of "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly" (an iconic Clint Eastwood movie). We heard policies and rules that were employed to assist our interaction and considerations for decisions. Churches often choose more of a democratic structure than a representative one so everyone has an opinion about various matters and has the freedom to share their thoughts. With the policies/rules in place, we talked candidly about our burden for the church's direction. Emotions were seen at times but, ultimately, the rules/policies weren't what dominated the meeting. The structure became but a tool to grasp our goal of Christian Decision Making. Were all the decisions made of "perfection" in form? I doubt that.....for again, we are just human. We were dreaming together. Yet, it is with the Grace of God that we all walked out of the meeting praying for God's continual direction for that body to be "Risk Takers for the Kingdom!" We didn’t agree on every decision that came our way but, then again, what family does? My prayer for our church is that we are less policy driven as we find joy in being salt and light in all our efforts and ministries.
In His grace, we face each day!
Donald Gardner,
Senior Pastor
May 12, 2024 - Tragedy is Sometimes an Opportunity that we may not fully Understand!
This past week, I learned of a friend's death in California. As we know, life is precious and not to be treated lightly, for each of us is created under the careful direction and planning of our creator God! When life & death matters come, many of us quickly jump to the "what ifs" or "if only they had done this or that" types of responses regarding the matter. Yet, such thoughts by us seldom make any difference as the circumstances can seldom be undone or reversed.
A number of years ago, one of our Hong Kong missionary families returned to the USA for furlough after 4 years of ministry. With 5 children who had all been born overseas, this family was well known for being a larger family that had integrated pretty well within the overseas community during their 22 years there. After being back in the USA for a number of months, it was time for the missionaries to return overseas even as they left 3 of their children behind in various USA universities. It was at that time that one of their sons tried to explain his struggles with cultural adjustment in the USA and his lack of confidence to remain here "alone" from family. Yet, the missionaries had their commitment and "call" for returning to overseas service and departed. Three weeks went by as their son got a gun and committed suicide. What does this say? How hard was it for the parents who had, in faith, returned to overseas ministry roles?
We missionaries are just people with our own set of struggles and challenges. We are highly dependent on the "Call of God" to guide our decisions and direction. We are not guests overseas but have, hopefully, become part of the community in our adopted location. Like many Christians, the Romans 8:28 passage is sometimes painful and hard to grasp as it says, "All things work together for good to those who are called according to His purposes." Our earthly experiences and problems often push us to ask the "why" question of God? We can't see the future or the "good" that is supposed to be in our lives when all that surrounds us seems painful or disappointing.
I am not much of a "touchy-feely" kind of guy and don't usually enjoy spending great amounts of time with persons who are indecisive. Camping on past experiences or looking at how people have previously responded can't be a regular limiting factor of relevant decisions in the "here and now." There are simply all too many things that demand our Christian strength more than our indecision. Indeed, the Jesus that I see in Scripture was not afraid to stand up to challenges that arose on any given day and "own" His actions and ideas. The Jesus that I see in Scripture is not "second guessing himself" but boldly "activating" His theology with full expectation that His right actions will bring about God's desires. Certainly, the prayers of Jesus revealed His modeling of where His courage came from and showed us what we need to be doing more of! Yet, His prayers were followed with bold words and action throughout His life. My prayer is for more courageous Christians who do less gentle second-guessing with their lives, as they stand up and risk being a follower of the one who modeled bravery even to the cross. May we never fear persecution or a courageous faith but only fear becoming overly indecisive or insensitive toward others.
Donald Gardner,
Senior Pastor
May 5, 2024 - Transformation Element
How many of us have a plan and desire to live a short and exciting life? Is it not true that most of us want to have a long and smooth life without too many trials and struggles? Yet, we are "followers'' of the one who died before middle age and His death was on a cross for the very people that were crucifying Him! Jesus didn't die to set us free from death but to prepare us for death...without fear!
As we know, Jesus' prime critics were religious leaders. We must be careful not to forget that Jesus came to be a "transforming agent" in how we view our lives and our world. He didn't come to create a religious culture where the "blessed of God" are to spend their every working effort seeking out "Self-help books" whereby we may be "more blessed"! Jesus is an "untamed Lion' (Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe). Jesus never modeled the "safe and comfortable life" but he challenged us to live "meaningful and bold lives of faith and expectancy".We must choose what our life is to be and remember, "A Ship in a Harbour is Safe, but that is NOT what ships were built for".
Donald Gardner,
Senior Pastor
April 28, 2024 - Join the Stew!
Each day, people pass each other on the streets in quiet respect but without great interaction. Hmmm, why? Some have said that diversity results in the "melting pot" experience within society. Personally, it is easier to buy into the concept of the "stewing pot" identity that is found in a cross-cultural society. A stew is made up of carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, beef, and other things. When the stew is served, you can easily distinguish the various elements of the dish, and yet, each bite of the food has been enhanced by the cooking (interaction) with the other elements.
In society, we daily have a choice as to how much we value our interaction (cooking for a savory flavor) with others. We absolutely will come in contact with people who differ in morals, values, dreams, and spiritual understanding from ourselves. Yet, how we treat this daily reality reflects on us. Do we seek to appreciate what we can gain from knowing people who differ from ourselves? Do we grasp that we become more "savory" as we rub shoulders with others who may not always share our life views? If we, as Christians of CBC, desire to be the salt and light of Christ for a lost world, let us be people who dare to be the loving "ginger in the stew" that adds meaning and flavor for others.Donald Gardner,
Senior Pastor
April 21, 2024 - Even Orange Trees Don’t Live Forever
I grew up as a country boy on a small farm in Texas. We had all types of vegetables, fruit, and a few animals along the way. Yet, we had no citrus fruit but had figs, apples, pears, cherries, and we liked them. After moving to Phoenix in 2017, we found two nice orange trees in our Ahwatukee home! Over those years in Phoenix, we enjoyed eating more oranges than ever before!
Unfortunately, one day a surprise came our way when we got up in the morning to find that the high winds of the night before had blown over and broken the old large orange tree. We had pulled the oranges off the tree just 2 days earlier so we had the sweet tasting fruit again that year! As I inspected the root/trunk of the tree that was broken, it was a miracle that it had lasted even to that day!
This Orange tree is much like a human, in that it gave all it could to be; (pardon the pun) even up to the point that life was gone. Providing sweet and beautiful produce just two days before the real depth of the tree would be revealed by the powerful wind that blew over the tree, I still had no idea how serious the tree's problem was until it was too late. With humans, we often are exactly like that tree and want to be so! The idea is that we too should hunger and desire to be a blessing with our lives for every moment that we live. If we are a tree that has a short or long life, that is not as important as us producing good things with the time we have. My prayer for you is not that you worry about how long you are in this world but that you learn to make the most of the time you have to bring a positive Christian impact on those around you! May God Bless Us All!Donald Gardner,
Senior Pastor