We welcome you to join our team of volunteers! CBC has a variety of committees and ministries on which you can use your spiritual gifts to serve. Whether you prefer working with children, youths or senior adults or you would like to support the worship services, special events, fellowship groups, etc., we have a place for you! Listed below are committees and ministries at CBC.

Are you shaped for a ministry or service that is not listed? CBC has opportunities to serve individually in areas without formal committees or ministries. (Examples: volunteering in the church office, providing personal transportation, driving the church van) Or, you may have a desire to start a new ministry. We provide a list of volunteer opportunities online that become available throughout the year.

God has blessed every believer with at least one spiritual gift. If you have been wondering what spiritual gifts you possess, please take the assessment to help you to determine your gifts. Spiritual Gift Survey

Church Clerk - Use your administrative and secretarial skills to record, process and maintain accurate records of all church business meeting transactions. You will also be responsible for all official church membership records and communications.

Financial Secretary & Assistants and Tellers Organization - This group is responsible for the record keeping and handling of contributions to the church. The Financial Secretary also works with the church staff, Treasurer and Stewardship & Finance Committee in providing needed statistical information on giving patterns.

Messengers - These officers represent the church at various functions related to religious conferences, seminars, workshops and civic organizations.

Treasurer / Assistant Treasurer - These members are responsible for the proper receipt, accounting and disbursement of church funds. This position focuses primarily on financial records and payment procedures. An economics, finance or accounting background is preferred for these positions.

Trustees - The Trustees serve as legal officers for the church. They hold in trust the church property and any legal commitments of the church; they sign all documents related to the purchase, sale, mortgaging or rental of church property after approval by the church at business meetings.

Church Council - Church Council is the decision-making body serving the church. It makes strategic decisions with the pastoral staff with respect to the church mission and vision. It leads in the planning, coordinating and evaluating of ministries and programs of the church and its organizations. In addition to the pastoral staff and the representatives from several of our standing committees, "at-large members" who represent the membership of the church also serve on the church council. Each congregation is allotted a certain number of representatives according to the number of regularly attending members. At-large council members serve a two-year term. Nominees must be active members of CBC.

Building Committee - As CBC grows, so will the needs of our facilities. This committee deals with the planning of church structures and other accommodations for the anticipated future growth of CBC. Your vision on how to accomplish these goals can be an asset to our team.

Membership Committee - You can help those who want to become members of CBC as well as raise the awareness to the importance of active membership by serving in this committee.

Missions Committee - For those who have a strong interest in the direction of our role in the mission field, this committee translates CBC's vision to specific mission goals and projects, educates the congregation on Biblical teaching of missions, develops plans and activities, and selects and collaborates with local mission organizations on mission projects.

Nominations Committee - Help CBC ministries and committees to staff their organizations. This group serves to organize and coordinate church members' commitments for serving the church through all committees, ministries, offices and volunteer positions. (Note: this committee is made up of members appointed by the senior pastor only.)

Personnel Committee - For those with a strong understanding of Human Resource and Benefits Administration, members provide recommendations and guidelines regarding staffing, develops and implements personnel policies as well as other personnel issues.

Stewardship And Finance Committee - The S&F Committee develops policies and procedures pertaining to financial management and operations, including annual budgets, to ensure compliance with Biblical principles and sound financial practices. It also educates and informs the CBC congregation on all financial and stewardship matters.

FM 2.0 - Formerly Family Matters, this class seeks to grow deeper in God's Word through new avenues of study including online resources. The goal is to know God personally and to be transformed to be like Him. We recognize that discipleship involves a cost and are committed to building margin in our lives for this purpose. We also recognize that spiritual growth does not occur in a vacuum, but in community and accountability with other believers.

Marrieds - this ministry supports married couples. Marrieds I are for young married couples who are 40 years old or younger and Marrieds II encompass married couples who are older than 40 years. In addition to Biblical and marriage instruction provided through the class, couples can build relationships and a sense of purpose through small group study, fellowships, outreach and service projects.

Men - This group promotes spiritual growth and bonding among the men at CBC by developing them to become strong, mature spiritual leaders and role models. They also aid in other CBC activities and projects when needed.

Rainbow Fellowship(Seniors) - If you have the initiative and willingness to serve the senior adults in our community, please consider the Rainbow Fellowship. They provide programs and activities to encourage spiritual growth, connections and outreach to those in the community. Rainbow also ministers to the needs of individuals and participates in special projects.

Women - A coordinating body that addresses the spiritual and social needs and concerns of the women in our church body through Bible study, prayer support, service projects and fellowships. This group is open to women from high school age and older.

Young Adults - Young Adults (YA) Ministry is comprised of single adults in the 18 - 30 years age range for singles and young marrieds couples. This ministry supports college students and career young adults through education & training, fellowship events and service opportunities. Use your leadership, hospitality, administrative, teaching, organizational skills and desire to help these adults grow and mature spiritually in their relationship with Christ.

Youth - The following groups assist in the spiritual development of our youth in the areas of teaching, mentoring, leading, discipling and counseling. Leaders are involved in the planning and implementing of youth activities alongside youth servant leaders and the Youth Director/Minister. Read the leadership descriptions Page 1 and Page 2

  • Discipleship Group Leaders
  • College Sponsor
  • Administration
  • Teaching Team
  • Hospitality Team
  • Parents Ministry
  • Research and Development
  • Student Training Team

Kids - Our Kid's Ministry exists to share Christ with the kids in our community, advance them in their spiritual maturity and help them to recognize their spiritual gifts. Check out the many opportunities available. Whether you enjoy playing with toddlers or playing guitar, helping kids learn memory verses or just helping out our dedicated leaders, we have a place for you. The following kids's groups are part of our General Ministries: AWANA Club, Kids Worship, Chinese School, Nursery, Preschool Praise, Vacation Bible School.

Audio/Video - Join our technical team to support the audio and video requirements for church and privately sponsored events.

AWANA Club - As a local chapter of the AWANA Clubs International, this ministry reaches out to boys and girls with the gospel of Christ and trains them to serve God through Bible study and other activities.

Baptism - Help with setup and preparation of candidates for baptism. Join the newly baptized to celebrate and encourage them spiritually.

Bereavement - This ministry guides the family with planning the logistical details of memorial service/funeral service at CBC and assists on the day of the service.

Kids Worship - An alternative to the regular worship service, this service ministers to children in grades 1-5 by allowing them to experience worship service at their level. One of its purposes is to prepare the boys & girls to participate in the larger church corporate worship service.

Chinese School - Spread the gospel to teachers, parents and students attending/supporting Chinese School through the teaching of the Chinese language.

Christian Citizenship - This ministry helps disciple members toward a fuller expression of Christian faith in the public square by fostering the Biblical virtues of love, mercy, truth and justice in the community through prayer, citizenship education and organized social action within the local, state, national and international communities. It provides the church pastors relevant research or info on social and community issues, voter registration, voter turnout issues, voter awareness and education/training. Meets every 1 - 2 months.

Church History - You can help instill appreciation of the work God has done in our church. Be a part of a team to record CBC events, activities and milestones for historical preservation.

Church Hostess - Assist in certain aspects of weddings held at CBC. This will include opening the church for the wedding party, assisting in the preparation of the sanctuary and foyer area to receive guests, designation and preparation of the dressing areas for the wedding party, assisting the wedding coordinator during the wedding rehearsal and to keep things moving smoothly during the wedding day. The Church Hostess will be paid according to CBC guidelines.

Computer - A working knowledge of computers is essential to maintain and support the church's computer system. This committee also provides consultation and recommendations on office productivity programs/utilities for the church staff and other committees/ministries within the church.

Design and Décor - This team is consulted for ideas for aesthetic improvements to current CBC facilites. Knowledge of color schemes, fashion, style, trends and a sense of taste is important. Design and Décor will be responsible for planning/organizing of seasonal decorations throughout the year, including enlisting the help of the entire church when needed.

ESL - Conversational (Sunday ESL Ministry) - ESL classes are held at CBC most Sundays from 1:30-3:30 pm. Our mission is to teach conversational English and share the good news of salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. We use basic curriculum to teach English and read from a Children's Bible to share about our faith. Get involved:
* As a teacher to teach both English and Bible lessons
* As an assistant to build relationships with the students/families and plan programs and activities for the class.

ESL - Medical - The Medical ESL classes are held each Sunday afternoon from 1:30 - 3:30 pm. This class is tailored to the needs of our students, mainly foreign doctors and other medical personnel. Medical ESL's aim is to help people who already have some proficiency in English, to learn medical terminology in use in clinical situations.

First Impressions - This team will be responsible for developing and implementing processes needed to make a good "first impression" on visitors and guests by working with the ushers, greeters, office staff and the Ministries Pastor to move first time visitors to become members of the CBC family.

Food Service - From culinary experts to kitchen novices, volunteers are welcome to help in food preparation and coordinating cooking teams for our weekly lunches as well as for other CBC events.

Lord's Supper - Prepare the elements of the Lord's Supper and the clean up afterwards on the first Sunday each month.

Mandarin Ministry - To integrate Mandarin ministry mission into the overall CBC Mission/vision, lead efforts to direct the ministry and develop Mandarin fellowship.

Nursery - Provide childcare during worship services, Sunday School, and other church related functions.

Office Volunteers - Assist the church staff with office duties, such as folding Sunday Service bulletins, making copies when requested, answering the phone when necessary, and handling other miscellaneous duties as they arise.

Prayer Ministry - If you have a heart for prayer and the spiritual gifts of intercession, encouragement and/or mercy, this ministry could be what you are looking for. You can aid in the development, enhancement and promotion of corporate prayer among the members as well as emphasizing its critical importance for CBC to fulfill its mission statement.

Preschool Praise - Sunday morning worship service for kids, ages 3 through kindergarten, utilizing action songs, Bible stories and crafts.

Property and Space - This group utilizes God-given talents and resources of members to perform maintenance and minor construction projects at CBC. Those with knowledge/experience in basic home repair or the willingness to learn can help in addressing some of the physical needs of the church or an individual ministry.


Scholarship - This ministry administers CBC's three scholarship funds: Lillie Ligh Memorial, Travis & Thelma Key Memorial & Maria L. Gor Memorial Scholarship Funds. These scholarships are open to all CBC members who meet eligibility requirements and plan to attend college or seminary school.

Small Groups (Home Fellowships) - This ministry works to develop a setting that will allow members to experience true fellowship, intimacy, encouragement and nurturing in a small group environment. Many small groups meet on a regular basis in members' homes.

Special Events Planning - Put your creative ideas to work by helping plan and coordinate special events at CBC. Activities include welcoming fellowships for new staff arrivals, appreciation dinners, church anniversary and July 4th celebration events.

Sports Ministry - Help provide a means of outreach in a casual setting to our community. This group oversees regular and special recreational or sporting activities in the Family Life Center (FLC), such as open play volleyball and basketball, Chinese Youth Fellowships and private recreational activities.

Transportation - Help provide transportation to and from CBC on Sundays.

Ushers/Welcome - Help provide a welcoming and comfortable atmosphere for all members and guests at CBC during worship service and other special programs.

Vacation Bible School - This summer program ministers to children 4 years to 8th grade. The purpose is to provide a fun-filled, spiritual adventure, to provide a concentrated Bible study, to lead children to know and to respond to Jesus Christ and to help the church to focus on reaching the entire family.

Welcome Booth Team - Welcome people who are new to the church and provide them with information about Sunday School classes and their locations, kid's ministry and other weekday opportunities. The Welcome booths are staffed during Sunday mornings from 9:30 - 10:00 am and for 20 minutes after the service.

Music Ministry - Utilize your musical and artistic talents to praise and worship God in CBC's worship services, fellowships and other outreach activities. Current ministries include:

  • Adult Combined Choir: English and Chinese-speaking adult choir members lead in special worship services and provide outreach and evangelism through singing.
  • Chimes/Handbells Choir: Instrumental team using chimes or handbells
  • Drama: This ministry glorifies God by using the talents, service and gifting of members for the production of dramas and creative arts ministries.
  • Instrumentalists & Vocalists: Utilize your musical talents (instruments and/or vocal) to enhance worship services, church events and special occasions. May be combined with other musicians in an orchestra, ensemble or vocal group.
  • Praise Teams: Utilize your musical and artistic talents to praise and worship God in CBC's worship services, fellowship and other outreach activities.

There are many opportunities to serve in CBC's Sunday School program. With classes to fit almost anyone's needs, giving of your time to this ministry will help the growth of everyone as they study God's word and His plan for us. Opportunities and requirements for these positions include:

  • English Adult Sunday School Administrator
  • English Sunday School Training Team
  • Adult English Sunday School Coordinator
  • Adult Outreach Leader
  • Adult Care Group Leader
  • Sunday School Teachers or Facilitators
  • Sunday School Assistants
  • Sunday School Substitute Teachers
  • Kids Department Director
  • Preschool Sunday School Coordinator
  • Chinese Sunday School Principal
  • Chinese Sunday School Coordinator

There are 5 types of activities that are covered by these guidelines, effective October 1, 2003:

  • Worship (Sunday worship services and direct support ministries)
  • Christian Education (Ex: Sunday School, small groups) and Chinese School
  • Administration, service and spiritual support
  • Age groups and related subgroups
  • Positions requiring congregational vote (select church officers and committees)

In addition to the qualifications as stipulated in the bylaws, and in accordance with the individual ministry/committee policies, further qualifications must be met. Contact the church office for a complete list of requirements.
