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opencbcbanner (113K)


reopen-guidelines (14K)


Read the recommendations for the best practices to be utilized by CBC as we reopen our campus for worship....

reopen-staysafe (11K)


It is highly recommended that those who are at high risk SHOULD NOT attend at this time...

reopen-facemask (5K)


Each member of a household should have a facemask. If needed, CBC will provide one. It is expected that...

reopen-building (16K)


Parking and entering the CBC buildings: guidelines on parking locations and building access process...

reopen-distance (12K)


Overall guidelines for social distancing is 6 feet between each person/household (HH). On the ground outside and...

reopen-clock (6K)


English worship service will begin at 9:45 am (15 minutes earlier than normal) to allow time for ..

reopen-nohands (13K)


No items shall be passed between attendees to limit contact from person to person...

reopen-restroom (6K)


Restroom locations for congregations and safety guidelines to be followed...

reopen-temperature (8K)


Every person entering the CBC facility will have his/her temperature scanned. A greeter will take the temperature...

reopen-sick (7K)


If anyone becomes ill while at CBC, that person will be "isolated" in Room 127 in the Sanctuary building, ...

reopen-data (10K)


The Statistics Subcommittee (SS) of the Virus Task Force (VTF) compiles and monitors various daily published...

reopen-exit (9K)


When worship service ends, the ushers will dismiss the congregation in an orderly manner, section by section...

reopen-waterfount (5K)


Please do NOT use the water fountains....

reopen-coffee (12K)


Coffee and lunch will NOT be made available...

reopen-symptoms (11K)


A Health Screening poster is posted at the entry to the Sanctuary and the Education Building....

reopen-sundayschool (13K)


VTF recommends that each Sunday School teacher delays the start of his/her class on Sunday to allow time....

Recommendation for Staying Home

It is highly recommended that those who are at high risk SHOULD NOT attend at this time. However, if such a person still decides to attend, CBC will NOT turn them away as attendance is considered voluntary. Per CDC guidelines, persons at high risk are those who are 65 years and older OR have one of the following medical conditions:

  • Chronic lung disease

  • Moderate to severe asthma

  • Serious heart conditions

  • Weakened immune system / immunocompromised

  • Severe obesity (BMI of 40 or greater)

  • Diabetes

  • Chronic kidney disease, undergoing dialysis

  • Liver disease

Anyone who has a fever or is not feeling well / ill SHOULD NOT attend at this time.

All attendees will have their temperature scanned. If the temperature is 99.6°F or higher, that person will be asked to refrain from entering and to return home.

Facemask Usage at CBC

Every member of a household should have a facemask. If needed, CBC will provide one. Everyone is expected to wear his/her facemask at all times whenever he/she enters any CBC facilities. To limit attendees from removing their facemasks during worship services, the congregation is requested to not join in the praise singing.

The CBC volunteers (greeters, ushers, monitors, etc.) will not police the use of facemasks. Therefore, please be considerate of other attendees and exercise adult responsibility.

Entering CBC Facility

  • Parking

    • Attendees arriving for the English or Cantonese worship service should park in the main parking area (south of the Sanctuary).

    • Attendees arriving for the Mandarin worship service should park in the east parking area (closest to the church office).

    • If there is inclement weather OR there are too many people waiting outside the facility, the Greeters will request that you remain in your cars until you can enter the facility with minimal wait time.

  • Building Entry

    • English & Cantonese congregation members are to enter the Sanctuary through the left-hand doors of the Sanctuary, marked "ENTER".

    • Mandarin congregation members are to enter the Education Building through the doors outside the church office, marked "ENTER".

    • Attendees should put on their facemasks prior to entering the building. If you do not have a facemask, a greeter will provide one to you.

    • Each person will have his/her temperature scanned and will be allowed into the building only if it is lower than 99.6 °F.

    • If you do not have an offering envelope, some will be provided on a table with clean pens in the foyer. After using the pen, place it into the container marked "USED". Insert your offering in the offering box by the table or the offering box located at the exit door of the Sanctuary.

    • Please use the hand sanitizer located near the offering box.

    • Upon entering the Sanctuary, ushers will help assist in maintaining social distancing.

Social Distancing and Sanctuary / Chapel Seating

The overall guidelines for social distancing is 6 feet between each person/household (HH). On the ground outside and the floor inside the buildings, social distancing markings will be placed to help maintain proper distance. On the floor inside, markings will be placed immediately inside the entries, outside the Sanctuary and chapel and near the restrooms.

Attendees will enter the worship service through one door and exit through a different door.

Within the Sanctuary, every other row of chairs will be blocked off with a cone, indicating that these rows are not to be used. Each HH will be instructed to sit at the front of the Sanctuary, in the first available row and at the end of the row. Please leave 3-4 chairs between your HH and the next. If so desired, HH's will be allowed to sit anywhere, as long as seating is done in a timely and orderly manner. Ushers will provide guidance.

Within the chapel, no rows or chairs will be explicitly blocked off. HH's will be allowed to sit anywhere as long as seating is done in a timely, orderly manner with social distancing. Ushers will provide guidance.

After worship service, please exit the Sanctuary or chapel promptly. Do not mingle or socialize within the CBC building. While not recommended, socialization is allowed in the parking lot.

Worship Service Times

  • English worship service will begin at 9:45 am (15 minutes earlier than normal).
    Note: This will allow additional time to prepare/disinfect the Sanctuary for Cantonese service.

  • Cantonese worship service time is unchanged, beginning at 11:15 am.

  • Mandarin worship service time is unchanged, beginning at 10:00 am.

No Hand to Hand Passing of Items

No items shall be passed between attendees to limit contact from person to person.

  • Offering plates

  • Printed materials, such as the bulletin and announcement sheet

  • Worship items, such as the cup and bread during communion

  • It is recommended that any greetings between attendees be touchless - no handshakes or hugs

Restroom Usage

  • Restroom Locations for English / Cantonese Congregations Use

    • Before Sanctuary entry only, restroom is located in the glassed hallway, leading into the Sanctuary (past Classrooms A - C)

    • When exiting the Sanctuary, the restroom is across from the audio/visual (A/V) booth

    • As needed, use the restroom in the FLC

  • During Worship Service in the Sanctuary, use the restroom located across from the audio/visual (A/V) booth

  • During Mandarin Worship Service in the Chapel, use the restroom located behind the coffee bar (Education Building, 2nd floor)

  • Restroom Monitors will:

    • Manage social distancing

    • Remind persons exiting to wash their hands or use hand sanitizer

Temperature Scanning

Every person entering the CBC facility will have his/her temperature scanned. A greeter will take the temperature using a touchless thermometer. If the temperature is 99.6°F, or higher, that person and the rest of his/her household will be requested to step inside waiting area.

The person's temperature will be rescanned approximately 5 minutes later. If the temperature is still 99.6°F. or higher, a 3rd scan will be taken in 5 minutes. If after the 3rd scan, the temperature remains above 99.6°F., that person and his/her household will be asked to return home.

Getting Sick While at CBC

If anyone becomes ill while at CBC, that person will be "isolated" in Room 127 in the Sanctuary building, located in the north hallway (close to the choir room). To exit the building, he/she are to use the nearby exit.

Virus Data Statistics Tracked by VTF

The Statistics Subcommittee (SS) of the Virus Task Force (VTF) compiles and monitors various daily published county Covid-19 virus statistics. The Subcommittee also has created additional statistics for monitoring. The SS considers the 14-day trend of the ratios below to be the most relevant:

  • % Tested Positive (Total Cases / Total Tested)

  • % Active Cases (Total Active Cases / Total Tested)

  • 7-Day Rolling Average of Total Active Cases / 7-Day Rolling Average of Total Tested

The VTF-SS evaluates multiple statistics in totality / holistically, in order to formulate recommendations for the reopening or closing of CBC. Utilizing only one statistic alone is not adequate for making a proper assessment.

End of Worship Service - Leaving CBC

When worship service ends, the ushers will dismiss the congregation in an orderly manner: section by section, row by row, similar to a wedding, with the back rows/sections first and progressing to the front. Attendees will enter the worship service through one door and exit through a different door.

English and Cantonese congregation attendees will exit the Sanctuary from the right-hand set of doors and leave the Sanctuary foyer through the doors labeled "EXIT".

Mandarin congregation attendees will exit the chapel, using the doors (facing the coffe bar area) labeled "EXIT", immediately turn left to walk past the chapel. Use the the stairwell next to the elevators to leave the Education building.

In keeping with Social Distancing guidelines, please do not mingle or socialize in the Sancturay foyer or the Education Building. While not recommended, socialization is allowed in the parking lot.

Water Fountains

Until further notice, please do not use the water fountains. They have been blocked off using CAUTION tape.

Coffee and Lunch

Until further notice, the coffee bar will be closed and coffee/tea will not be prepared. Also, lunch will not be served.

Health Screening

A Health Screening poster, which lists a number of health questions, is posted at the entry to the Sanctuary and the Education Building. A greeter will inquire as to whether you are able to answer "NO" to all of the questions. If you respond "YES" to any question, you will be requested to return home.

The health screening questions concern the following symptoms:

  • Fever?

  • Cough?

  • Shortness of breath?

  • Sore throat?

  • Chills and body aches?

  • New loss of taste or smell?

  • Headache?

Sunday School

During the Covid-19 shutdown, most Sunday School classes have taken advantage of ZOOM or other technology to meet virtually. This has been GREAT! However, we are aware that with reopening CBC for in-person worship service, there may be cases where Sunday School teachers or members of a Sunday School class will be at CBC. This can cause both a timing conflict and a safety issue where Sunday School teachers or class members try to rush home to start/join their virtual Sunday School class. We are meeting to address how best to handle Sunday School until CBC has fully reopened.

In the interim, VTF recommends that each Sunday School teacher delays the start of his/her class on Sunday to allow time for either the teacher or class members to get home OR the class should be rescheduled to another day.