If you would like for the Prayer Ministry and/or the Ministerial Staff to
pray for your needs, please indicate your requests by filling out the Prayer
Request Form in the bulletin, tear it out, and kindly drop it in the offering plate.
Be assured that someone from the Prayer Ministry will pray for your needs.
Lastly, if you have an unsaved loved one that you would like us to pray for,
please write their name on the Prayer Request Form on the bulletin.
English: Download Prayer Request
Cantonese: 下載代禱事項
Mandarin: 下载代祷事项
Prayer Requests
- Preaching & teaching ministry: for God's Word to be clearly declared, His voice heard, and His will realized in CBC church body.
Transition Team: for team members (Davy Chin, Larry Joe, Mike Chan, and Pastor Kai Yuen Choi) to exercise godly wisdom with humility in
the participation and delegation of the responsibilities of a senior pastor during this transition.
Leadership (pastoral/ministerial team, deacon body, and church council): ears to hear the head-shepherd's voice, hearts for the Spirit in
unity, walk worthy of the calling, serve with humility & godly discernment, lead with an attitude of Jesus Christ, and exercise faith and
courage in navigating CBC through COVID-19.
Church family - protection against lies, fears, fatigue, disunity, and diseases. Trust in God's sovereignty and providence in all of our needs
and directives.
Finance & stewardship - continue to give toward Kingdom building amidst challenges in pandemic, to press on in obedience with bold confidence in God's provision, faithfulness, and goodness.
Christian Education/ Adult Sunday school: Pray for grace in working out and unifying our approach to systematic training and
equipping, sustainable guidance for teachers & group leaders, and wisdom and perseverance for all those involved despite the
Men's Ministry: Advocate for men to have Christ-centered, prayer-focused, Word-impacted, relationship-building, and ministry-engaging testimonies.
Life-Stage Ministry: Pray for the renewing of the mind and exercising Christ-centered living in each specific life stage - the
roles each play in their homes, faith community, and society - as Christ's ambassador in the current culture war.
- Eight Fellowships meet via Zoom - pray for perseverance and love for each other.
- Two Sunday School classes on Sunday @ 2:30 pm - pray for teachers to proactively encourage more people to join the study.
- Pray for the spiritual, physical, and emotional wellbeing of the elderly and senior shut-ins, in that they will have peace
and comfort through God's Word and through the cares from fellow brothers and sisters.
- Pray for patience, maintain a balanced home life and spiritual life of young families with school age children.
- Shepherding - Pray for wisdom and patience in caring, leading, and teaching.
- For God to help the Mandarin Ministry to grow through their Friday's study groups (Book of Matthew), to connect in Christ through small groups, to serve and reach out to those in need, and to evangelize the lost.
- Pray for the development of Mandarin Chinese School - for enough teachers and for outreach effort.
- Remember His people in China - pray God protects them and grants them strong faith for beautiful testimonies even through flood and virus.
- Young adults learn to use their free time wisely, balancing rest, play, ministry and outreach to their neighbors and co-workers.
- Wed, Fri and Sunday online meetings to be a tool where we learn to follow the Lord and learn to be fishers of men. Matthew 4:19
- College graduates as they look for jobs, start their careers, and transition into a new life stage in order to be used mightily by God.
Pray for the different areas of the youth ministry: youth, youth parents, youth leaders, and youth pastor:
- Building foundations theologically and doctrinally this semester.
- Building gospel-centered communities with each other in this youth group.
- Mental health of the students as many of them must forfeit some key developmental processes during virtual learning.
- A seriousness to grow spiritually deep now and not wait for things to "get back to normal."
- Pray for parents and grandparents/guardians - For grace and persistence in fulfilling their God-ordained role in their child's faith formation; living as examples to their child, getting involved and engaged in ministries for kids, first at home and in faith communities. [Deu 6; Ps 71:18]
- Uplift kids' workers and ministers - For health, patience, and faithful preparation, that the word of God work through the spirit of God to sanctify people of God - first in their own lives, then to the lives of the kids under their leadership; to intentionally reach kids (great mission field) with the gospel of Christ, to engage and follow through in discipleship. [Matt 28:19]
- Pray for kids' salvation, and for their love for God and man to grow - to be teachable, to understand the concept of salvation and grace, to experience the gospel lived out before them, and to have the desire to deepen their relationship with Christ. 2020-2021 is a year to help kids focus on the posture of prayer and worship. [Romans 12:1; Luke 2:52]
- Pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send us enough workers.
Southeast Asia
- Pastor J & J with Mobilization Ministries - mobilizing nationals to the unreached, with special focus in India & Hong Kong areas.
- Karen, Mitsu & family with Cru - National Coordinator over 7 cities in Japan.
- J and N - commissioned by homechurch, Harvest Community Church, currently under the Pastoral Residency Program while awaiting to return to East Asia.
- Criselda Malicdem with Teknotropheo Missions - resources needed to care and reach orphans in the Philippines.
- Darren with Overseas Missionary Fellowship, reaching Muslims young adults through technology.
- Kelly and Dona Hargan with Josiah Venture (JV) - train missionaries to serve in Eastern Europe.
- Logins family with JV in reaching young adults in Latvia.
- Sergey, Pastor Dan & Barb - building transitional home for teen girls from Kind Samaritan orphanage in Ukraine.
South America
- Davi & Carol Gomes with Crossover Global Brazil - ministry partnership in reaching families through sports; Carol's dad to be open to the gospel.
- Bill and Valeria Hamilton - Presbyterian Evangelism Fellowship in south Brazil.
- Mwembo (National Director of Child Evangelism Fellowship in Democratic Republic of Congo) - for finance and ministry; healing for wife's severe back pain.
Greater Houston & neighborhoods
- College ministries - Jonathan Tran (IV at South Texas colleges), Theo Leu (IV/UH), Snowflower Dong (BSM/UH), Joseph Kwan (IV/National Marketing Outreach), Josh Jang and Joseph Sheng (IV/Texas A&M), Daka Duyseikov with Bridges (Cru/UH), Marvin Huang, Alexis And Michael Chan (Cru Epic Movement/UT & UH)
- Houston Pregnancy Help Center and Women's Pregnancy Center - Christ-centered life-affirming resources and support for crisis pregnancy.
- Gracewood and Jenny Rice - resources to provide jobs, cars, and daily needs for the children and their mothers; a capital campaign to expand the campus and services.
- Elijah Rising - resources needed for this ministry to end human trafficking.