Sermon Notes
September 3, 2006
September 10, 2006
September 17, 2006
September 24, 2006

September 3, 2006 - David Eng

War of the Worlds
Ephesians 6:10-20

I. Spiritual warfare is real (v. 12)

II. Satan is limited.

III. Christians can be victorious in every battle.

       A.  Alert

 Spiritual oppression or bad day?  (Tom Eisenman)
1) Powerlessness
2) Inner turmoil
3) Accusation
4) Doubt
5) Evil
      B.  Aware
5 times you can expect a spiritual attack: (Chip Ingram)

1) When you’re growing
2) When you’re invading enemy territory
3) When you’re exposing the enemy
4) When you’re breaking with the world
5) When you’re being preprared for God’s blessings

       C.   Equipped (vs. 13-17)

       D.  Prayer.  (v. l8)

IV.  Our orders:  Advance the gospel.  (vs. 15, 19-20)

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September 10, 2006 - David Eng

Why Revival?
Psalms 85

I. Revival is not an:

II. Revival is:

      An extraordinary movement of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of God’s people, producing extraordinary results.


Extraordinary prayer
Extraordinary repentance
Extraordinary love
Extraordinary worship
Extraordinary witness
Extraordinary conversion

III. Revival is needed because

      God uses revival to redeem his purposes.

      Revival returns God’s people to Godly standards.

      Revival is one of the greatest means to reveal God’s glory.

IV. Next steps:

      Desire revival

      Study revival

      Be an instrument of revival.

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September 17, 2006 - David Eng

Humility:  The Beginning Point of Revival
Luke 18:9-14

Humility – a proper view of ourselves which leads us admit to our sins and acknowledge our need.

I. Why is humility important?

      It draws us to God.  (Isa. 57:15)

      Opposite of humility Pride

II. The problem with pride:  it is the root of all sins.

      How God views pride:  he opposes it.    (Prov. 16:5, 18; Jas. 4:6)

III. How to recognize pride in our lives:

      1.  How much do we pray?
      2.  Weariness
      3.  Anger
      4.  A critical spirit
      5.  Being defensive
      6.  Taking credit
      7.  Impatience
      8.  Prejudice

“The door of (spiritual) life is a door of mystery.  It becomes slightly shorter than the one who wishes to enter it.  And thus only he who bows in humility can cross its threshold.” D. L. Moody

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September 24, 2006 - Stanley Chow

A Ministry That Counts
Acts 20:17-24

I. Introduction

II. Building the Right Character Traits III. Conclusion
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