Sermon Notes
August 1, 2004
August 8, 2004
August 22, 2004
August 29, 2004

August 1, 2004 - James Wong

“Since You Have Never Been This Way Before”
Joshua 3

1. Introduction

2. Since you have never been this way before, you need God’s direction. (vs. 3-4)

3. Since you have never been this way before, you need a personal consecration. (vs. 5)

4. Since you have never been this way before, you need to depend totally on God’s intervention. (vs. 16-17)

5. Conclusion

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August 8, 2004 - Dr. Gordon Borror

A Worship Way of Life
Hebrews 10:12-25

1.  Worship doesn't begin when we come to church.
a.  It begins when we come to Christ.
b.  It never ends!
2.  God requires His people to:
a.  Have no other gods before Him.  (Ex. 20:3)
b.  Approach Him on His terms.  His holiness requires Him to set the conditions.
c.  Live holy lives in His presence.  (1 Pet. 1:18, Lev. 11:45-46)
d.  Believe God and obey Him in all things.
3.  God meets with His people in prescribed ways and specific conditions.  (Ex. 25-31)
a.  Mankind has sought his own way from the beginning.
b.  Even God's chosen drift back into prideful self-seeking.
c.  Mankind has a long history of worship, (we were created to be worshipers!)  We keep changing the objects of worship toward self.
4.  Christ is God's final and perfect answer to meet God acceptably and on His terms.  (Heb. 8:1-6)
a.  What God requires, Christ provides.
b.  The defining difference between the Old Covenant and the New Covenant is Jesus Christ.
c.  Both Covenants spell out God's terms for relationship; the question is always one of man's compliance.
d.  The Old Covenant with the law only points out that mankind is hopelessly unable to come to God through his own effort.  (Rom. 3:19-20)
e.  The New Covenant assures access to God through Christ's perfect sacrifice and His righteousness which is available to all who believe.
f.  We celebrate Christ's completed work that leads to victory and ultimate fulfillment.
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August 22, 2004 - James Wong

Be Respectful
Malachi 1:6 – 2:9

1.  Introduction

2.  God’s accusation (1:6-14)

3.  God’s instruction (2:1-9)

4.  Conclusion

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August 29, 2004 - Ricky Leung

The Characters of a Servant
Acts 20:17-24


A servant who weeps with others

A servant who bears sufferings

A servant who knows his direction


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