Sermon Notes
August 6, 2006
August 13, 2006
August 20, 2006
August 27, 2006

August 6, 2006 - Dr. Will Johnston

Maturing Wisdom, Maturing Worship
Ephesians 5:15-21

I.   Spend it Well: Wisdom sees the Opportunity to do God’s Will.  (vs. 15-17)

      A. Use your days for faithfulness .  (v. 16b)

      B. Spend your life to make a difference. (vs. 15-16a)

      C. Know the Lord’s will. (v. 17)

II.   Realize Your Potential: the Spirit Produces  Full Maturity in God’s Plan. (v. 18)

      A.  The wasted life drains you of virtue.  (v. 18a)

      B.  The Spirit fills you with maturity. (v. 18b)

III.  Give to Others:  Worship of God Builds up Christians and Organizes His people. (vs. 19-21)

       A. Edification:  Our words in worship instruct, encourage and exhort. (v. 19a)

       B. Praise: Our worship glorifies Jesus Christ our Lord. (vs. 19b-c)

       C. Thanksgiving: We thank God for all He has done in Christ. (v. 20)

       D. Order: We submit ourselves to God’s plan. (v. 21)

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August 13, 2006 - Dr. Jim Hamilton

Building with Gold, Silver, & Precious Stones
1 Corinthians 3:10-17

1. The Foundation  (vs. 10-11)

2. Building on the Foundation  (v. 12)

3. What the Day Will Disclose  (vs. 13-15)

4. What Is Built and What Is At Stake  (vs. 16-17)

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August 20, 2006 - Missions Sharing

Opportunities to Serve

"But be very careful to keep the commandments and the law that Moses the servant of the Lord gave you: to love the Lord your God, to walk in all his ways…and to serve him with all your heart and all our soul." Joshua 22:5

What:   ESL Classes - teaching English and intentional relationship building
Target: Adults (mostly older adults) in the Bellaire Chinatown area
Where: Chinese Cultural Center
When:   Fridays, 9:30 am-1l:30 am, ongoing

What:    Serving You Ministries - tutoring students, mentoring, and intentional relationship building
Target:  Elementary and middle school children in the Bellaire Chinatown area
Where:  Chinese Bible Church
When:    Saturdays,10:30 am-12:00 pm, begins Sept. 9

What:    ESL Club - teaching English, and intentional relationship building
Target:  International university students and their spouses
Where:  UH, Baptist Student Mission
When:    Fridays, 10:00 am-12:00 pm

What:    ESL classes - teaching English and intentional relationship building
Target:  Adults
Where:  Chinese Baptist Church
When:   Sundays, 1:30 pm-3:15 pm, begins Aug. 27

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August 27, 2006 - David Eng
The House in Order
Eph. 5:22-6:4

I. Wives and Husbands

    a. Two views:

        Equal in status; equal in roles. (Egalitarianism)

        Equal in status; unequal in roles. (Complementarianism)

    b. The key (vs. 31-32)

        Marriage is modeled after Christ and His church.

    c. The roles:

        Wives imitate the church. (v. 24)

        Husbands imitate Christ. (vs. 23, 25)

II. Children and Parents

    a. Children submit to God by honoring their parents.  (v. 6:2)

    b. Parents need to teach children the relevance of God. (v. 6:4)

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