Sermon Notes
July 3, 2005
July 10, 2005
July 17, 2005
July 24, 2005
July 31, 2005

July 3, 2005 - David Eng

Redeeming our Relationships
Genesis 3:6-21

Why have relationships?

We were made for them.  (Gen. 2:18)
I.  The way it was:
naked and unashamed (Gen. 2:25)
II. The way it is:
protecting and deflecting (vs. 7-13)

Characteristics of protecting: Feeling alone

                                            Feeling bored

Characteristics of deflecting: angry, touchy

III. The way it can (and should) be:
clothed and cared for.

5 characteristics of a true friend:

1)  initiate without attacking. (vs. 9)
2)  inquire without accusing. (vs. 11)
3)  tell the truth. (vs. 16-19)
4)  respond not retreat
5)  protect not parade. (vs. 21)

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July 10, 2005 - James Wong

Divorce – the Darkside of Marriage
Matthew 19:3-6

I. The Meaning of Marriage in the Bible (Genesis 2:18, 24; 1:28)

  • Overcome the loneliness (Gen. 2:18)
  • Share the lives together
  • A new life bonded together physically (Gen. 2:24)
  • A most intimate relationship (Gen. 2:24)
  • Extending the lives (Gen. 1:28)
  • II. Biblical Teachings about Divorce (Matthew 19:3-12; I Corinthians 7:10-16) III. Under Some Special Situations IV. Conclusion
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    July 17, 2005 - Ricky Leung

    Certainties in the Midst of Uncertainties
    Isaiah 43:1-2


    Conclusion (Hebrews 13:8; James 1:16-17; Romans 8:31)

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    July 24, 2005 - James Wong

    Why Do the Evil Prosper and the Poor Suffer?
    Psalms 73

    I.  Introduction

    II.  The Observation of Life Causes Doubt (Psm 73:1-14)

    III.  The Revelation of God Brings Faith (Psm 73:15-28)

    IV.  Conclusion

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    July 31, 2005 - James Wong

    Farewell to CBC!
    Acts 20: 17-38

    I. Introduction

    II. Look to the Past with Love (Acts 20: 17-19)

    III. Look to the Present with Faith (Acts 20: 20-27)

    IV. Look to the Future with Hope (Acts 20:28-38)

    V. Conclusion

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