Sermon Notes
June 5, 2005
June 12, 2005
June 19, 2005
June 26, 2005

June 5, 2005 - David Eng

The 9th Commandment
Loving Enough Not to Lie
Ephesians 4:15-16, 22-29

I.  Why the Command?

      Lying - any word or act which is false with the intent  to mislead.

II.  Why we lie:

      a) to build us up.
      b) to tear down others.
      c) to escape punishment.
      d) for convenience.

III.  Why God is against this:

       God is Truth. (Ps. 31:5, Jn. 14:6, Titus 1:2, Heb. 6:18)

IV.  What we should strive for:

       A loving community.  (Eph. 4:15-16, 22-25,29)

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June 12, 2005 - David Eng

10th Commandment: Content Enough Not to Covet
    Luke 12:13-21; I Timothy 6:6-8

I.  What is coveting?

 A strong desire for that which belongs to another.
II.  Why is coveting wrong?
1) It is the root of sin.  (Jas. 1:14-15)

2) It ruins relationships.  (Lk. 12:13)

3) It replaces the greater with the lesser.  (Lk. 12:13)

III. How to avoid this type of coveting
The fight for contentment in God.  (I Tim. 6:6-8, Phil. 4:11, Jer. 2:13)
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June 19, 2005 - George Lim

Be Happy! Make the Right Choice
Romans 8:14-17


To make the right choice, you…

      I. You need to know the Truths

     II.  You need to act on the Truths

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June 26, 2005 - James Wong

Building Up the Powerful People of God
Matthew 16:15-18

1. Introduction

2. What does “building my church” mean? (Mt. 16:17-18)

3. How should we build up the church of Christ? (Eph 4:11-13)

4. Conclusion

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