Sermon Notes
June 3, 2007
June 10, 2007
June 17, 2007
June 24, 2007

June 3, 2007 - Phuc Luu

“To You I Call”
Proverbs 8:1-4, 22-31, John 16:12-15

I. Vocation

    In modernity, choice has replaced vocation.

II. The Christian Community

    The church exists as a community that helps people hear the call of God.

III. The Trinity

    The Trinity represents the community of God.

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June 10, 2007 - Ben Pun

Two Lost Sons
Luke 15:11-32

I.    Younger Son:  Irreligion, "being very bad" always leads to slavery.

II.   Older Son:  Religion, "being very good" is equally lost from the Father.

III.  True Repentance: realizing your idols and turning to God.

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June 17, 2007 - Rev. Lok-Tin Cheung

“A Simple Message for Father’s Day”
Ephesians 5:33-6:4; Colossians 3:18-21 (NIV)


I. God’s Word for the Children: Eph. 6:1-3; Col. 3:20

- Children’s obligation: -
     A. “Obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.”  Eph. 6:1

          “Children, obey your parents in everything.”  Col. 3:20

     B. “Honor your father and mother.”   Eph. 6:2


II. God’s Word for the fathers:   Eph. 6:4; Col. 3:21

- Father’s responsibility: -
     A. Establish a proper & secure environment for children to grow up in.

          - “Love your wife.” -  Eph. 5:33

     B. Love is basic to father-child relationship.

     C. Provision and protection

     D. Negatively: “Do not exasperate your children”,
         Positively:  “Bring them up in the training & instruction of the Lord”

1. Leading children to Christ, best when they are young.
2. Help them grow in Christ.
3. Training & discipline will be needed.
4. Pray for and with them.
     E. Set a good example for them by your own life.

Closing Words:  The Lord God is our Heavenly Father, Love Him, honor and obey Him, and serve Him!

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June 24, 2007 - Rev. Larry Lilley

Contributing Your Part for a Happy Home Life…
Malachi 4:5-6



    A. Where did they come from?
         1.  Parents same as you
         2.  Places you are headed

    B. Why are they “hanging” around?
         1.  Provide & Protect (physical well-beling)
         2.  Inform & Instruct (spiritual well-being)
         3.  Train & Discipline (emotional well-being)

        *FACT:  They are God's Provision for your well-being

    C. What problems do they face?
         1.  Inexperience
         2.  Overcommitment
         3.  Guilt
         4.  Fear



    A. What are your responsibilities?
        1.  Obey
        2.  Honor
        3.  Remember

    B. What problems you are facing!
        1.  Actions
            - 10 Commandments
        2.  Attitudes
            - the Be-attitudes
        3.  Associations
            - the Proverbs
        4.  Affiliations
            - The family of God


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