Sermon Notes
April 1, 2007
April 8, 2007
April 15, 2007
April 22, 2007
April 29, 2007

April 1, 2007 - Dr. Chuck Lawless

Mark 15:16-39

The cross calls us to pay a price.

The cross calls us to see the world with God’s eyes.

The cross calls us to identify with sinners.

The cross calls us to today.

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April 8, 2007 - George Lim

John 11:20-26

* Why do we celebrate Easter?

* Why should we make a big fuss about Jesus Christ's resurrection?

* Why should we believe in Jesus Christ's resurrection?

* What does Jesus Christ's resurrection mean to us?


"I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me."  Gal. 2:20 (NIV)
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April 15, 2007 - Dr. Denny Autrey

Will You Be a Shamgar in This Place?
Judges 3:31, 5:6

Four times we are told there was no king in Israel:  Judges 17:6; 18:1; 19:1; 21:25

The nation of Israel went through this cycle:
    1. Apathy:  They did not
    2. Apostasy:  They did evil
    3. Anarchy:  They rebelled

Each cycle began with:
    1. Sinning
    2. Suffering
    3. Supplication
    4. Salvation – God raised up a deliverer – a judge

Four Things from Shamgar’s Life:

     1.  Shamgar was a man who did what he could!

He slew 600 Philistines
    2.  Shamgar was a man who did what he could, with what he had!
What did he have? oxgoad
    3.  He did what he could with what he had, where he was!
It was a hard place.
    4.   For the glory of God
He also delivered Israel.
Shamgar was man who did:
what  he could,
with what he had,
where he was.
For the glory of God!
Will you be a Shamgar for Jesus in this place?

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April 22, 2007 - Paul Helbig

Answering All of Society’s Problems
Ephesians 5:22-31

A.  General (Eph. 5:21) to Specific (Eph. 5:22-6:9)

• Husbands submit to Jesus
• Wives submit to Husbands
• Children submit to Parents
• Slaves submit to Masters
B.  Was this in Response to Sin?

    The created order was implemented in the Garden prior to sin, thus it was not implemented as a check against sin.

C.  Submission is a Military Term

• Failure to take rank causes people to die.
• In context it means “voluntary obedience and cooperation”.
D.  3 Ways Jesus Loved the Church are the 3 Ways we Need to Love our Wives

    1. Gave Himself up for her.  (Died for, protected, positioned, gifted)
    2. Set her apart through the word.  (John 17:17)  Teach/Read word - Courtship
    3. Present her blameless and holy before the Lord.  (Presentation at wedding)

E.  Love Wife as You Love Self

• Why the two become one?
          • How?  Nourish (bring to maturity) and Cherish (love tenderly)
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April 29, 2007 - Ben Pun

Unity in Diversity
Acts 15:5-11, 19-21

I.   God Shows No Favoritism to any Particular Group  (v. 9)

II.  The Gospel Unites Different Cultures (v. 10-11)

III. We Should Remove our Cultural Preferences When More will be Saved (v. 19)

IV. We Should Be Sensitive to Other People's Cultural Preferences (v. 20-21)


    Unity around gospel, freedom, diversity and sensitivity in cultural expressions.

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