Sermon Notes
March 4, 2007
March 11, 2007
March 18, 2007
March 25, 2007

March 4, 2007 - David Eng

The Call to Influence
Mt. 5:13-16

I.   The Problem

       the world (Jn. 3:19, 2 Tim. 3:13)

II.  The Solution

      true believers (vs. 13, 14)

      functions of salt:  a)  preserves

                                b) provides flavor

                                c) promotes thirst

      function of light: illuminate

III. The Danger

      being corrupted (vs. 13, 15)

IV.  The Result

      God glorified (vs. 16)

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March 11, 2007 - David Eng

A Better Righteousness
Matthew 5:17-20

I.   “I have not come to abolish the [Law or the Prophets] but to fulfill them.”   (vs. 17)

      How Jesus fulfills (completes) the Old Testament:

      a) prophecy (e.g. Mic. 5:2, Ps. 22)

      b) obedience

      c) demands

      d) reference (Jn. 10:35)

II. “…unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.”  (vs. 20)

      How the Pharisees and scribes failed to fulfill the Old Testament:

      a) selective (Mt. 23:23, 23:14)

      b) self - supporting

      c) superficial (Mt. 23:25)

      d) self - centered

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March 18, 2007 - Justin Wong

Romans 12:9-13

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March 25, 2007 - David Eng

Mark 10:17-31

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