Sermon Notes
February 6, 2005
February 13, 2005
February 20, 2005
February 27, 2005

February 6, 2005 - James Wong

A Treasure in the Clay Jar
2 Corinthians 4:7-10

1. Introduction

2. It is a comfort:

 "Even if you are only a clay jar, you have a treasure in you"  (4:7)
3. It is a warning:
 "It doesn't matter how successful you are, even though you  may look like a treasure, you are still always clay!" (4:7)
4. A Treasure in the Clay Jar (4:8-10)

5. Conclusion

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February 13, 2005 - James Wong

We Love Because He First Loved Us
1 John 4:7-12

1. Love is a learning process. (1 Jn 4:7-12)

2. Love needs determination. (1 Cor 13:4-8)

3. The model of Jesus and the church is the model for a good marriage relationship. (Eph 5:22-33)

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February 20, 2005 - David Eng

How to Please God and Like Doing it
Micah 6:1-8

How would you please God more with your life?

    I. God does not desire an increase in activityor offerings (vs. 6-7)

    II. God does desire an increase in acts of love and mercy (vs. 8)

- to do justly (Jer. 7:5, 22:3, Ex. 20-23)
- love mercy (Hos. 6:6)
- walk humbly (Jam. 1:27, Lk. 14:13-14)
What will keep us going?

    I. Remembering God's grace  (vs. 3-5)

I Chron. 16:11-12
    II. Reaping the rewards.
Isa. 58:10-11
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February 27, 2005 - David Eng

What to Do When We Have Sinned
Micah 7:7-10, 18-19

What is sin?

Any failure to glorify God in act, attitude or nature.  (Rom. 3:23)

- act  (Ex. 20, Jam. 4:17)
- attitude  (Ex. 20, Matt. 5:22, 28)
- nature  (Eph. 2:3, Ps. 51:5)
Are there different degrees of sin?
yes and no.  (Jam. 2:10-11, Jn. 19:11, Mt. 11:20-22)
The ‘ABC’s’ of what to do after we have sinned:
1)  Admit it  (vs. 8)
2)  Bear God’s discipline.  (vs. 9)
3)  Clinging to God’s promises.  (vs. 9-10,  18-19)
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