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Pastor Dan Ho: Basic Christian Doctrines

Week 1 Bibliology - The Doctrine of the Bible Download .pdf
Week 2 Theology - the Doctrine of God: His Existence Download .pdf
Week 3 Theology - the Doctrine of God: His Attributes
Theology - the Doctrine of God: The Trinity
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Week 4 Theology - the Doctrine of God: His Works-Creation
Theology - the Doctrine of God: His Works-Providence
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Week 5 Theology - the Doctrine of God: The Problem of Evil
Angelology - Good Angels
Angelology - Evil Angels
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Week 6 Anthropology - the Doctrine of Man Download .pdf
Week 7 Hamartiology - The Doctrine of Sin
Christology - His Person
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Week 8 Dr. Jonathan Ho - Doctrine Class (View videos)
Week 9 Dr. Jonathan Ho - Doctrine Class (View video)
Week 10 Christology - The Doctrine of Christ
Christology - His Work
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Week 11 Soteriology - The Doctrine of Salvation Download .pdf
Week 12 Pneumatology - The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit: His Work Download .pdf
